Thank you! I can't believe no one else wants to talk about those eyebrows.
Thank you! I can't believe no one else wants to talk about those eyebrows.
She's one of my weird celebrity crushes, and I've been secretly in love with her since high school.
Right? I just kind of assumed that women in pageants were in sororities, the major kind at big schools where they do this kind of stuff (I was in one at a school where none of this was allowed— we couldn't even kidnap pledges to take them to Denny's at 5am). They portray themselves as these serious students who are…
Giving a shit about this just lends validity to the human dog shows that are beauty pageants.
And here I was thinking that the Miss America/New York 2013 was scandalous for claiming she lived in Park Slope when she was actually in Windsor Terrace.
...that sounds like she reigns supreme at having sex with everything.
There is something feminists are doing wrong, or something anti-feminists are doing better, that is causing the term to lose currency with these young women. I mean, first I'd have to run a survey to see if the number of self-identified feminists has decreased in the last decade, but there are signs popping here and…
Nice story, but they didn't help her "win homecoming queen" as the title suggests. One of the friends won and gave the crown to the bullied girl, which is very gracious and should be celebrated. That's not the same as if they'd renounced their place on the ballot in her favor and campaigned for her to win.
It is like jerks who carve their names on trees. Take a freaking photo. Get a tattoo done. Don't deface shit that is not yours in the name of love, jerk.
Oh, for crissake. This has nothing to do with sophistication - and everything to do with the structural integrity of old, old bridges. The locks are damaging the structures, and have caused some railings to collapse.
It's vandalism.
I have to be honest and say, while this is a terrible violation of privacy and should happen to no one, I also live my life by the motto, "We must live in the world as it is, not as it should be." Just because rape shouldn't happen doesn't mean I won't take precautions when walking home. I shouldn't have to, no one…
Okay, but a doctor testified that this is an actual disorder and that this defendant suffers from it. If the doctor didn't just blithely perjure himself, what do you think should happen to this man? Should he be punished for something he did when he was not conscious?
There is a gloriously cranky woman in Philadelphia who has a bra fitting place and it's the only place I buy bras now. I walked in for the first time and she took one look at my chest and shouted "NO! At least two sizes wrong! Get in the changing room right now!"
Clay Aiken was actually outed by someone he'd sent pictures to and had cybersex with. I would have hoped for a bit more compassion.
So by his standards. Any pictures he took with a boyfriend while in the closet should have been hacked and distributed.
Boo, Clay Aiken, boo. Inappropriate by whose standard? The same assholes who kept you in the closet.
It is not a trend in the UK and anyone who uses a Daily Fail link even if has a quote from a biased specialist can not be taken seriously. Also the NHS would not allow that to happen, seeing as you can not get the surgery unless you have the gene and have very high chance of getting cancer.