
IMO this game never should’ve been F2P. Having a huge roster of varied characters is cool, but when you need to grind with characters you don’t like... what’s the point?

That’d be great for Deadpool IMO. Have him bouncing between “shows”.

It is pretty long for a TV show (usually 4-6 months of shooting) but not unheard of. I haven’t seen the show, but it’s all dependent on the content. I know the show has a big dance number and those alone can take weeks to shoot depending on the complexity. Fight scenes, visual effects, stunts, etc are all things that

Right? Or they’d be outright gaunt. Look at the people at the end of a season of Survivor. 

What I’m trying to say here is that MODOK is ridiculously OP, and I’ll bet my trousers it’s nerfed to at least 6-power by the next patch.

Ambush Bug.

It’s also something that, in my opinion, works waaaaay better in comics than in live action. 

Amazon nuked Final Space from orbit as well IIRC.

Yeah I totally didn’t get the “she still wants Tommy” vibe. Pam wants the love she THOUGHT she had with Tommy initially, but the man himself and what their relationship became is different from that.

Not that different in American animation TBH. It’s a mess.

Yeah first party Nintendo games I always buy physical since they resell very well... and seemingly always have!

I’ve worked on movies and tv pilots that during production the entire team knew it was probably going to be dogshit. It’s a gig. Everyone who worked on Batgirl has moved on. People who work in the industry understand that bad things get made regardless of their hard work, and they don’t take it to heart.

Eh, for me that excitement kind of died with the 24/7 internet gaming news cycle. Seeing the post E3 copy of EGM in the mailbox was like Christmas in July.

Us didn’t work for me at all. It was obvious that Peele was rushed, given too much freedom, and out of his depth at that time. I thought Nope was fantastic and you could see him making the kind of movie he wanted to make with Us.

You know what I mean. They’re pretty resistant to horror (especially), sci-fi, fantasy, etc (which is what is typically meant by genre movies). Only if those types of movies get a TON of buzz or are made by a creative with previous noms do they make it on the Academy radar (like Get Out or Interstellar).

The academy pretty much hates genre movies. Her performance in Pearl was amazing and deserves a nomination for that ending monologue alone.

Alright now that sounds like the Captain Boomerang I know lol

Price will probably drop to 650 or something

I’m just mad Captain BOOMERANG is using a gun in that image. Unless it’s a boomer-gun or something and it’s just a boomerang that’s shaped like a gun and/or it shoots smaller boomerangs.

Thank you for typing what I came to the comments section to type... almost word for word down to the length of time my wife and I have been looking lol.