
I could’ve sworn she was, but upon further review it was a different Titania who was in the UCWF as a member of The Grapplers (who was later killed by The Scourge along with a couple dozen other z-list villains).

I guess they never said WHICH Titania she would be playing. Since the Titania in the UCWF got her powers

Even if COVID-19 never existed, if I “woke up vomiting blood” I wouldn’t be doing anything that day other than going to the ER.

“I dutifully accept the crowd attack.” Jamil later hinted in another comment that Titania’s 1980s wrestler chic costume would make more sense when the series dropped, red-lined cape and all. “You’ll get it when the show comes out,” she tweeted. “It fits the character.”

Yep, it’s WWF story-telling. Once you see the cycle it gets stale unless you like the cycle in which case eat it up and enjoy haha.

There will always be arcs or side books from the big two that are really good, but the major arcs are always extremely similar with a different coat of paint, a swapped out big bad, etc

Totally agree. Now I’ve never played this game but I’d imagine She-Hulk plays very similarly to Hulk. They’re both tanks without a range option (other than pick up heavy thing and throw it)... why would that get me to 1) Play the game again or 2) Play the game if I haven’t already?

Sounds like you might be in LA with the Arclight ref. If you haven’t yet, check out the Alamo downtown. Great audiences there.

Netflic didn’t offer any financing to Uncut Gems that I know of. They acquired the international distribution rights. I think it was mostly A24 who foot the bill for Gems.

This seems like the exact type of harmless dumbassery my friends and I would’ve done back in the (pre-internet) day, especially during summer vacation.

Oh yeah Kinane is great and his titles reflect that. I should say MOST standup specials have horrible titles.

Stand up specials always have the worst titles.

Ah yes, I never played but remember seeing it on the shelves.


The difference is I don’t know a single person who could be identified as Latinx actually want to be called Latinx.

They are:

As someone who reads a lot of scripts, I see this a lot and I’ve never liked it. Very few writers are talented and smart enough to pull it off, and even then it isn’t fun for the reader/viewer. Most of the times the characters all smash together, are equally smart/quippy, and the humor falls flat. Everyone thinks they

I laugh every time I think about how that plot point was revealed not in any movie, but in Fortnite.

Yeah this does feel like it’s more SWORD territory than DODC... but gov agencies morph and change over time. The secret service was started by Lincoln to hunt down counterfeit currency. 

Played 20+ games last night and no lag on my end. Out of the three other people I was playing with, only one had a bit of lag during one game. 

Even on Nintendo’s own Mario Kart you can play 12. I’m really hoping it’s temporary (which, of course, begs the question why launch without the feature, and what’s preventing them from doing it).

I agree that it’s in line with Cobra Kai, but disagree that it’s redundant. In his world Duke was a big hero, he saved the world from aliens! Much bigger scope than losing the all Valley karate tournament as a teenager. If it’s done well it could be a really smart look at toxic masculinity of video games/action movies