
This is the right take. I’d rather pay for new courses on 8 than 60$ for a new game with a new mechanic that has a 50/50 chance of not being fun.

I love Guillermo and I love the original Nightmare Alley... but yeah this one was a stinker. Each actor felt like they were in a different movie. Cooper kind of sleepwalks through it unless he’s overacting. Toni Collette, who I love, was all over the place.

Definitely too long and too many characters that none of them were fully fleshed out. Jennifer Lawrence was great but beyond the “no one listens to women” one or two off joke/criticism her character was unneeded. Fold her character into Leo’s and make it a woman and we’re good to go.

I watched it and it’s certainly not CGI... but I agree with your statement. 

I believe the Thor from myth was actually closer to Endgame Thor than standard Hemsworth in terms of bulk. The dude was a partier!

100%. They really just needed to show the train leaving a facility of any kind and we could fill in the blanks. My buddy insists that they are spice mines on Tatooine that were mentioned in the show, but I don’t recall that (a detail that you would think is important enough for the show to mention more than once if

fat suits always look fucking terrible

And why the hell are the Pyke cronies shipping spice through an empty goddamn desert? Where is it coming from, and where is it going, and why are they traveling on the ground to do it?

It’s the jetpack.

I know it’s still January but “NFT Loot Box” might be the worst new phrase of the year.

Krasinski is also a huge asshole. Everyone I know who’s worked with him has stories and none of them are good. His “good guy awww shucks” act is just that... an act.

Sounds like “All About Eve”

While I agree with your sentiment, this list is pretty specific that it’s for double-digit play groups. If you know more games that fit that mold, please share!

While I agree with your sentiment, this list is pretty specific that it’s for double-digit play groups. If you know

lol scrolled down to say the same thing.

Sam Levinson (writer, director, creator of Euphoria) is a recovering addict who based much of Rue off of himself. So while this show might not be true to your addiction/recovery, it is true to his.

A knew that damn Loch Ness monster was behind this movie!

Ah bummer. Been waiting for that requirement to go away.

That’s really cool, I never knew that. Cool idea to call them that, no beef there, it’s just a bad title since 99% of film goers aren’t going to know that connection.

Well, according to deep Tarantino lore and internet weirdos like me, Fox Force Five MIGHT actually be Kill Bill and the events of Kill Bill are just a movie that Uma’s character from Pulp Fiction acted in.

Content of the actual movie aside, this might be the worst title for a movie I’ve ever seen.