
As one who may know a little more about ballet than "palegirl" but not much more, certainly - in my limited experience ABC is more "athletic" in its style (which is not to suggest that City Ballet dancers are not alsophysically tuned to the breaking point - it's just the choreography) and does "story" ballets - one

Harvard 69, Columbia 0. The season isn't a total loss for Columbia - the team beat Yale the previous weekend

‘‘Is $100,000 middle income?'' Stephanopoulos asked.

But what about the effect of longer/shorter foul lines and power alleys? The conjecture about juicing would be more interesting if it were correlated to changes in park dimensions. And park dimensions in general skew the whole discussion - some fly balls to left in Fenway are home runs there, and would have been

If I were the guy, and they offered me an aisle seat in exchange for the one I'm sitting - I'd be out of there so fast ...

For once the South Dakota legislature is considering doing something worthwhile. I think "sexting" ought to be discouraged for a variety of reasons - but making it a felony, with lifetime registration as a sex offender, is stupid.

GWAPE (Girl-with-pearl earring) wrote to the author of an op-ed piece that offended her

Is this true for the Sisters of Providence (or Sisters of the House of Providence, or what-ever-in-hell they call themselves?) Providence Hospital is the biggest single private employer (bigger than any of the oil companies) and I have seen nothing in the paper about this. Maybe the local Archbishop took a very long

"Ever been to the Netherlands? They don't give a shit about ANYTHING. "

Why complain? I've been tempted, but never been able to get the dickhead's name - women, per capita, are bigger dickheads among TSA people than men - and the website wanted information the people on the ground wouldn't give up without a fight - and I've had planes to catch, and always been aware that one of the

Same thing - I got bullied by a grade school classmate until one day I kneed him in the balls.

What makes you think the deceased would have told anything close to the objective truth about the incident? I've known and represented wife beaters; it was not common for there to be much congruence between "he said" and physical facts.

@Asha L Kydd: Yes it would get attention. And if I missed my connecting flights because security was overwhelmed, I would be totally pissed at knuckleheads like Ms Kidd, who as a rational actor (unlike TSA) could have avoided ruining my schedule, but for purposes of self-gratification chose to do so anyway, with

@msmoneypenny misses MizJ: Lisa Murkowski got dumped in the Republican primary by a Palin endorsed Tea Party wingnut named Joe Miller - and then won a write-in campaign. You can date Lisa's epiphany to the week before the August primary when Palin stabbed her in the back

Something isn't right about this story - didn't Sarah Palin just tell us that there was no racial discrimination in this country?

@RedLineRage: I am impressed at the knowledge you've acquired sitting as grand juror. Just think how much more you'd know if you'd ever been a lawyer playing this game.

She's a strange cat, all right - here is what the Plain Dealer had to say about her a year ago:

What is even more frightening: according to the NYT the newest generation of voters (up to 35, say) is not galvanized by the abortion issue except those who would ban it. Those who would - will - take advantage of freedom of choice when it is opportune aren't really excited by the single issue enough to swing