
If you think GS in government is new you haven’t been paying attention.

All these super bowl appearances, in my opinion, is more a statement about how piss poor the AFC has been than how great the Pats are. It’s pretty much the same in the NBA eastern conference.

I think it’s more likely Trump and his team had as little idea what the Dept of Energy did as Perry had.

The regular season is 2 games too long.

UFO believers always do this, they conflate the theory that alien life exists with the theory that they could and have been coming here. Few people argue against the probability that alien life exists somewhere, few actual scientists believe they could travel here. It’s interesting to note that there is absolutely no

TED talks cost over 10k to attend. TEDx talks can be set up at the local High School if you want and you get results like this. There is a huge difference between the two.

Had he taken early release he would have been disgraced and could face the military justice system when he got home because early release like that is expressly forbidden in the military. While some may see a lot of heroic action while in captivity this is a bad example. The moment they found out who he was they

Islam isn’t a race. You can hate a religion but it can’t be racism.

Guns don’t accidently discharge. This is called a negligent discharge in the shooting community.

+1 for Chris Fix

Good cops who cover for bad cops aren’t good cops.

This is highly customizable to the extent of bringing up or reducing certain sounds and combining different files. You can also just use posted custom sounds. Donate some coil if you use it a lot.

The big money in these tournaments is in the side pool.

It’s a small point but what goes into a semi-auto pistol is a magazine not a clip.

They are 9553-10677 W-L, 1883 - 2016

Denver doesn’t have the cap space to pay him so they need to figure out a way to pay him in a way that doesn’t hit their cap. It has nothing to do with how much they are willing to pay. Kap is owed 11 mil (15 mil in cap hit) and Denver has 1.5 Mil space.

They are looking for that homeless guy who advised their draft team to see what he thinks.

I don’t think standard deviation means what you think it means ...

I believe that a guaranteed lifetime free tuition program is a better payment system than any cash that could be offered. That would have to include labs, fees, books and tuition with housing excluded. Whileon the team a 1000 dollar per semester cash stipend for walking around money is appropriate.

There was a time in football when they talked about tackles, now it’s hits and nobody seems to see the difference. Tackles are rare in modern football.