
Ha! It really was...

I will gladly invest in your speculation.

The pair were going down the "driveway" when the wings fell off in mid-air? Doesn't compute :)

Who do you think posed for the photo?

I still vividly remember being 8 or 9 years old and witnessing the commotion through my backyard fence of a naked guy flipping out in the middle of the street and having to be restrained on the ambulance gurney with a plywood board by the police and paramedics. Apparently it was due to a bad trip on PCP (is there

Wow, I went straight to the video on the blog roll page before reading associated text, and I was so focused on the dot and fish, I even didn't notice he was waving it around with a gun-mounted laser. Anyway, I have a keychain laser and I want to find an aquarium now for some fun :)

Brings to mind the orgy scene at Hansel's party in Zoolander.

A PSA by slowyourroll: An e-book is not the wisest choice for a post-apocalyptic survival guide.

[caption] In Ciudad Del Nero, Ol' Drippy is King.

No way Hulk could get those fat fingers to play anything on a guitar but strum an open tuning!

I agree; it's somehow distracting. I'd like to see the same photos without the effect(s).

I have new appreciation for that song.

Just one nice, hot bath before you go, Rocky.

There's also speculation that the gold chain links, as well as the tablet, were placed there by one of the excavation companies when they started to run out of money to drum up excitement and further financial backing.

And don't forget, Roberta Williams was no stuffy, uptight nerd — she'd strip down and hop in a hot tub with ya!

One of the few times I've walked out of the theater.

His Avatar character was the worst.

"Looks like Chris Brown finally crossed the line with this cell phone theft."

"Looks like Chris Brown finally crossed the line with this cell phone theft."

Ugh. Yeah, really — you had to be that guy? Totally unnecessary, really. Besides, my point of view came from the superstition and protectiveness a lot of writers have related to works in progress or works yet to be. And, where my comment was merely a suggestion, you are outright stating that no, "what he's doing