
I'm that image, expect Firefox instead of IE.

Totally a Goonies-style accident waiting to happen there.

Too bad Mary Wollstonecraft wasn't still alive to read her daughter's most famous work. She might have written up a Vindication of the Rights of Frankenstein's Monster.

That's good news and I hope those readers were pleasantly surprised by the book version (which is one of my all-time favorite stories), but that doesn't get me excited for what is likely to be another sub-par movie.

I like the Se7en-inspired one, but the rest don't move me one way or the other at all. A lot of them look like they're "Ok, go lie face down over there. *click*"

She can still be well-admired even if it appears she has no legs.

Grandpa: A fish brushed against your foot while swimming and you got scared you say? You kids are all soft! In my day we used to wrestle octopuses!

I made the same initial assumption about the question, but also considered there might be a true difference, then decided not to "play" pretty quickly and skipped to the article hehe.


I admit I kinda stretched that reference, but had to put it out there.

But they're so wretchedly adorable. 25 little Rory Calhouns...I can't do it. But I can kill you. No, I can't kill you either. Look at you, standing there on your six legs like a couple of Rory Calhouns.

I think Eli Roth should have better taste with his own movies.

Just imagine this could be happening in a dark corner of your home RIGHT NOW.

Completely agree. If one were to get constantly hung up on reality rules, true or imagined, much entertainment would be unenjoyable.

I think the most interesting part of the post is the note that we may run out of helium before the end of this century. I recall seeing a news report on that not too long ago. I thinking there's gotta be more consequences to not having readily available helium other than to party balloons (and other more "important"

I hate it when I'm hungry for a very specific berry and I can find just about every other berry except the one I really need right NOW.

Some fans may find the comparison offensive, but sometimes Cillian's acting and mannerisms remind me of James Spader (not in any bad way). I think he could have done well in some of the better, more iconic 80s films if that happened to be his generation. However, his most noticeable role for me was in Batman Begins,

I finally started to watch that series on Netflix tonight!

Can't remember what you were originally hearted for, but it just got re-earned hehe.

Indeed. Fortunately it doesn't look like the strike-anywhere type.