
Not sure "domestication" is a proper application here, just because this species has milder behavior.

I can see its vas deferens!

The whole point is that in this specific case, Google had a prior understanding that this business was not legit and they decided to conduct business with this "company" anyways, which seems to make them complicit in the crime.

Lucky you — hold on tight to it!

Seems to be a fair comparison. Wasn't the claim for what MegaUpload supposedly cost the movie or music or whatever industry about half what Google paid for in their own settlement?

"Google ad sales execs were completely aware of the legal situation of the pharmacy and its criminal implications, yet decided to take the money anyway. "

Hawaii is also very strict about non-native species being introduced to the islands, so that may have played a role as well.

Bart: Hmm, looks like we're out of corn pone, fat back, hard tack, fat pone, corn tack…

Well said.

Is myspace still even up? It's been so long since I've given it a pity login.

Does Ugg know Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer by any chance?

Your comment deserves a...*ahem*

So there's a name for it: photic sneeze response. I seem to have this, but only when I first walk outside into the sun, then it doesn't happen later on in the day, and doesn't happen 100% of the time. I've always wondered if those sneezes are triggered by first exposure to sunlight for the day or just a response to

So there's a name for it: photic sneeze response. I seem to have this, but only when I first walk outside into the sun, then it doesn't happen later on in the day, and doesn't happen 100% of the time. I've always wondered if those sneezes are triggered by first exposure to sunlight for the day or just a response to

I hear one...

I wouldn't mind having it too.

Hm, I don't think I tend to have a half-dream or disordered thought state before falling asleep. Usually it's just a subtle, unconscious process.

Ever woke up where you fell asleep, but were actually still asleep and dreaming, but you didn't know it except for the fact that everything seemed slightly off and surreal? Those are the worst. Thankfully, they're also very rare and related to some REM rebound I've had with some of the longer periods of insomnia

I'll squeeze out your poo

Wow, so you only will listen to your friends as long as you agree? Fantastic!