
I've been trying that app out lately at home due to some eye fatigue happening recently after spending all day working in front of two large PC monitors. It seems to help a little and would definitely recommend someone try it out if they don't need to worry about color accuracy.

I recently had to replace our bathroom bulbs and while looking at CFL bulbs at the store, I saw there was "instant/no delay brightness" versions of the bulbs. I bought the standard CFL version instead which turned out absolutely perfect. They start out dim (perfect for middle of the night pee) and take about a

Surprised there's no reference in #1 "Get Some Help From Technology" to a CPAP device. A large percentage of the population, especially men, have some degree of sleep apnea. While a CPAP machine tends to be grudgingly accepted, it's often the only thing that can help many people with a certain degree of apnea finally

That's no moon, that's pigeon poop.

Whoops, double post.

I agree. Dispatch this Nic Cage person at once. He'll get to the bottom of this, excellently.

"many a mid-morning champagne reception" — wonder if this is part of the culture at Gawker Media and if this post will inspire someone in the ranks who might need to make a change...

Great to hear!

I didn't know about vanilla extract until I witnessed an incident with a homeless guy. He was probably in his sixties, had pure white hair and beard, looking like an old time miner, and had a bright red face. Clearly smashed, he tried to sit down on a picnic table bench but fell backward, hard. People had to come

Good to have someone share some of the possible consequences and by the sound of it, nothing too serious happened to get you into this pickle, but it sounds like you're handling it well. Keep up a positive outlook and look forward to learning from it all and SCRAM device or not, congrats on your three weeks!

Don't give up hehe.

Sorry to hear about that and definitely sobering to realize you can abstain from booze and still have severe damage from the past habits catch up with you 20 years later.

Wow, have not heard of hairspray being consumed. I know that far on into addiction, it's not about pleasure anymore, but I still can't even imagine hairspray even keeping up the numbing part of the intoxication without just totally making you ill (or more ill) right away.

"My higher power is the Universe."

I've heard of the mouthwash alcohol substitute option happening with people of all kinds of backgrounds. Take addiction far enough and things tend to equalize in an unpleasant way.

It really comes down to a life or death decision, but yes, still brave.

Having had some experience with this in the past, I would just do it, with no apologies. If you won't do that, option 2 would be to post the link on a shared social networking site where he/she is likely to see it and keep your fingers crossed I guess.

Firing up the Metro 2033 install because I need a break from Skyrim at just shy of 100 hours.

Looking at that artwork, I would expect Thaddeus Montgomery to sound like Ross Perot. The Dana Carvey version, that is.

It's pretty terrible.