
Indeed. This guy sounds like an ideal government employee, though.

HOAs are evil. EEEEEVILLLL!!!!

Whoa, it took many links, but Guns N Roses eventually does lead to Philosophy!


Just sounds like this Heller fella took a pot-induced "revelation" conversation into the sober, real world, maaaannn. Silly, but it happens.

Man, the pilot in the second video deserves a medal for touching down safely on that rocking pad. I was a little nauseous just watching it.

And I can't tell.. was that supposed to be an exercise with a controlled drop then lift-off from the water or was basically not of that planned?

I have one these, sans the fancy crystals cos I'm no oil-rich sheik, but for the $200 price tag on a normal unit, I'm not sure how effective this gadget is for easing my allergies.

"Our previous customer had us sculpt Osama bin Laden in various states, but I probably shouldn't be telling you that."

Stayin up late on Saturday nights, it was either Kung Fu Theater or WWF, or perhaps both, and the Macho Man was always one of my favorites.

Not bad.. oohhh yeahh

Just finished Bulletstorm. Aside from being extremely inconvenienced with the MS Live login BS initially, it was a fun game, if not one of the shortest shooters I've played in a while.

I would second the possibility of a sleep apnea disorder at work. I don't think it always requires you to be overweight — could be just the way your airways have naturally formed no matter what. I'd get checked out either way, cos getting good rest affects how well you handle just about everything else in life.

Oops, meant to say Lindsey Dills, not Brandi Byrd, although she is part of the story too.

That sounds a lot like the Brandi Byrd/Judge Williams story covered by This American Life where this girl got caught up in the jail system for YEARS due to a crazy judge misusing the drug court over a small counterfeit check instance when she really needed help with her growing addiction.

I forgot about this release already too hehe, but should check it out. I seem to remember finishing the first Crysis, as a whole, pretty quickly, but yea..

Hmm did you play it? Any good?

Actually tried one of the newer ones in that series, after hearing people compare it to Amnesia The Dark Descent, but I couldn't get into it. Thanks tho

I had forgotten about this series, but yea the latest one, "Vegas 2" might be worth checking out. thanks

Good call, I had just been looking into that one earlier and seems like it would be fun. Thanks