
@GhostFang: I was only commenting on a similarity of fostering a creative business atmosphere, not comparing any achievements.

@CivEng: "It May Be Time for Trains, Ships and Mass Transit to Use Body Scanners, Napolitano Says"

@Axilon: You, sir, are one prepared bathroom user.

Seems like Google's business model was inspired a bit by Bell Labs' approach to hiring the best people and allowing them to pursue their ideas.

This could be an option for me, as I'm looking for a new clock-radio. I don't suffer from SAD, but am definitely not a morning person, so a simulated sunrise might be helpful. One thing that bothers me about my current clock-radio is that while its display also auto-dims, the lowest brightness level isn't low

@Zalethon: Whoops my bad.. my eyes are tired and that's twice today I commented while distracted. All I saw was "produced and directed by Gonzalo Lopez-Gallego" and I didn't see Bekmambetov's name on imdb when I looked up the movie.

@Luizzle: From what I understand, it's based largely on behavioral profiling, not racial, so make sure you know the facts on that before ruling it out. I would have no problem with behavioral profiling here in the US.

@unknowntogoogle: No, and nor do I want to be treated like a potential terrorist from now till who knows when, and nor do I want my future children to grow up thinking this intrusiveness is OK, especially since this kind of thing happening at airports is the first step in expanding into other areas of travel and/or

@C141Clay: BS — her advice to find a more productive way is pretty much an after thought in what is primarily a rant against people possibly making her wait a little bit longer in the security line on her way to bring booze to her boss.

@collex: Bekmambetov doesn't appear to be involved in the Apollo 18 project, so I don't see how your experience with those movies would have any bearing on this one?

@DanKrouse: Your counter points are much appreciated input — thank you.

@The Project: Call of Halo: Buffalo meat is a pretty good alternative too, especially since most consumer products for it are hormone-free, organic-fed, and all that jazz. So yeah, they're a great alternative, until we start treating them just like cows.

@MsAvignon: Sorry, my response was terrible — that's what work distractions will do, I guess.

@benderunit9000: Thank you for your service. I think we all have a responsibility to prevent our nation from slipping into a place where such sacrifices do not become in vain.

@Luizzle: I don't agree with her opinion (a selfish, spineless one), but it's definitely her right to express it. Whether she should use her job at Gizmodo to do so, that's another story — it's a bit off-track.

@MsAvignon: Welp, now that you've spoke my mind for me, I don't have to submit any redundant commentry!

I heard the VW Beetle floating myth, but there was a similar one about being able to use the Bramha camper shell as a kind of canoe/boat when turned upside down. I think maybe because they used it that way just for a commercial?

I can't help but think that raising animals in this stressful environment won't somehow be transferred to us, the consumer of their flesh, in a negative way. What comes around goes around.