
As confirmed by a local officer and some people I know, a lot of people go this route in Colorado when they get a DUI. They'll get a DUI, then buy a 49cc scooter, because it doesn't require a motorcycle license in Colorado. What they fail to confirm however, is that they STILL need a regular driver's license.

@Drujon: Seriously... who is this guy, Gil from The Simpsons?

I'd rather be buried in a buried parking lot car.

@Sheed's Bald Spot: the other day we were walking by the local JITB and as we strolled through the parking lot there was a strong odor of weed. Turns out it was a JITB employee on a pot smoking break in the walled dumpster area. I guess it helps making the taco better.

@TheAntiCat: You might want to move far away from Dave.

My inner six year old is crying at the thought of finding this "action" figure in this Christmas's stocking.

@ElliottCassidy: I dunno, but I'm pretty sure he was arrested afterward for embarrassing his countrymen.

@JRock: Maybe you've wisely held on to your Okidata dot matrix printer!

@jeffk: That's one of the reasons I'm trying to unload my HP. It would go through all kinds of priming and that click-clacking when preparing for the first printing after coming out of the power save mode. HP is just plain scandalous regarding their ink cartridges though.

Did anyone else see "crazy" and "love" and read the headline as Woman Goes To Crazy Lengths To Courtney Love For Mother-In-Law

If this doesn't hit Perez Hilton's radar, then it probably isn't pedophilia.

@ShaynaLK: Your facetiousness aside, I submit that she really SHOULD be put in a reality show. With some cameras on her much of the time, the local community could come to care for her and garner the courage to lend public support for her, thus actually making her safer from those that would consider mortally

@Squalor: Yikes, what if the one they get has a pink rubber bumper instead of blue.

Soon we won't need those controversial and pesky polar ice caps anymore!

Norma Desmond approves.

That would be bad news for me if that was the steam-in-the-bag kind of frozen veggies.