
The io9ers who stare at goats

@litos: Yep, I do. I'm assuming she's not as juvenile as her Dexter character.

@themontage: I could user some new Spaced seasons. And some new Mighty Boosh.

Wow, how does Vince sneak those extra bags past the flight crew?

@kaffeen: Yea, the more focused on babies and marriage and the sister (who is the joy-killing Lisa Simpson of the show), the less interested I became. I kinda miss Sgt. Doakes tho

I couldn't get make it through season three because the sister is so mind-blowingly annoying.

@boopadoo: Is that Victoria Beckham?

@Jhchawk: The only thing is your dog will look at you funny the whole time.

@SkiBum1207: If the full-on P90X seems too much, at least try the Power 90 "Fat Burning Express" version which is lower intensity and seems like it would be a good gateway to the full P90X program. I've done the Fat Burning Express when I wanted to do some in-home cardio in a short period of time and it worked well.

@marciax3: The same racist "wiggle room" can also apply to the "She may be [other color] but she's hot and I'd do her" mentality that's out there.

@bokscutter: From the Yahoo article, Fullham's assertions are pretty standard Coast to Coast AM material, but I'd still be interested in reading the book. It just might be entertaining at the very least.

@her0_0f_time: You want one for "free" that bad, eh?

@DoxyByProxy: Excellent. That's the COTD already.

The Michelle Obama photo would make a great Verve Records album cover.

@marks-alot: Yea, throw all these people together and I guess you can get good TV, but don't expect good reason from any of them.

@SewerShark: Myeh, muckraking the ol' yellow journalism, are you? That's no good, see. You and Hearst-ol'-boy have been on too many dates with Lady Liquor. Better cease that kind of comment toot sweet, old sport.

@etodez: You're a little bit hostile over there. And FYI, I like getting responses good or bad, but couldn't care less if my social profiles were online wastelands.

Actually, I would say this is one of the lesser-creepy Japanese robots that's come out in the couple of years.

As much as I dislike most of Mickey-D's food, I have to admit that their response is actually pretty well-reasoned.