Nah man, I’m into him in spite of the 1D association. TBH, I didn’t really see him as attractive until he was a ‘grown up’, toward the end of the 1D run.
Nah man, I’m into him in spite of the 1D association. TBH, I didn’t really see him as attractive until he was a ‘grown up’, toward the end of the 1D run.
Preface: I love Brit Brit! Buuuuttttt...
To me, forgiveness is a personal decision and I don’t believe I get to dictate to anyone else whether or not they forgive someone who’s wronged them. Redemption on the other hand is a public matter, and at certain points—costing lives being one of those points—some actions go beyond the point of ever being redeemable.…
Really? If you supervise someone, go into work and ask your employees how they lost their virginity and see how happy HR is about it.
The thing that I think it’s a little difficult for anyone to wrap their heads around who hasn’t dealt with abusers is that they groom their character witnesses just as thoroughly as they groom their victims. Scarlett has no doubt been subjected to just as much gaslighting as Soon-Yi, but it’s directed to a different…
Oh and grooming a teenager for sex..guess that’s okay too.
But there must be some moment where a person chooses his own unwillingness to confront his demons at the expense of other people’s actual lives. That’s the choice this person made, perhaps somewhat unwittingly, and I just can’t forgive it.
Drunk guy fingering a passed out girl who has to be subdued by people passing by isn’t very exculpatory. Once he was convicted, people were right to be angered by his lack of punishment.
She just buried her last chance to win/get nominated for an Oscar, congrats, ugh.
Even if he’s innocent of the more egregious charges, he still left his wife for her adopted daughter. The things that are facts should be enough. Who would want to engage with someone like that?
For someone like this, recognizing the harm you did and apologizing is only one part of it. What has he done to heal the damage? From the P&C article, it doesn’t sound like he’s done much of anything. He’s in a position to help dismantle the ex-gay culture, but he’s not there yet.
[Especially] when it takes it to the point of, ‘You need to change and here’s a curriculum, here’s how you do it, and you haven’t changed yet, keep at it, it’ll happen.’”
instead settling on: “I’m okay, everything’s okay.”
Maybe it’s because the rest of the news is a constant grind of awfulness, but I kind of love this ongoing slapfight between Actual College Professor and The Living Avatar Of The Dunning-Kruger Effect.
I didn’t grow up with the same disadvantages that you did, but my family became poor while I was still living at home (college was my escape from a lot of things) and I do think that that affected me, in the sense that I didn’t want people to think I was poor. This has manifested in my acting in certain ways, like (as…
I do not love this haircut. I’m willing to wait until he styles it though, because this is just a picture he took with a fan while on vacation. But apparently he was wearing white lace shorts and no one took a full body photo? COME ON PEOPLE. Sigh.
I realize my comment rubbed people the wrong way. I didn’t mean to sound cruel, but I realize it came off that way and dismissive of someone trying to share their feelings. I missed years of school as a child due to sickness and having to stay home to take care of my siblings. I had to do a lot of self teaching from…
This is missing the point and a little mean. I’m disappointed it got so many stars. This is a person who missed out on formal education for reasons he clearly outlines, using an informal medium to express his raw emotional insights. There’s nothing wrong with what he wrote.
Yes. People without education are less educated.
I’m a huge grammar nerd but this is unnecessary. In this case it’s more important to listen to what he has in his heart than to make classist comments about how he got his message across. It’s a screenshot of the Notes app, posted to Instagram. He’s not submitting a statement to Congress.