
I think a little context here for why women would be irate about that c-section comment is needed. A *lot* of women feel like they “failed” by having a c-section. It wasn’t in their birth plan, it might not have been their choice, it was the result of baby not flipping or labor not progressing, etc. As women, we’re

Agreed entirely. And I hate how saying, “Yuck—that music just isn’t for me,” requires girding one’s loins for rabid attacks by the Swifties. It’s like every one of her fans is made in her petty image.

Oh 1000000%. I think this whole thing is so calculated, I’m stunned it’s working (saleswise, anyway). But I’ve always thought Taylor is the bully who pretends to be the victim, so I’m not the right person to say. What I mean is that for someone who says the old Taylor is dead, she’s sure acting a lot like...the old

One worse thing is making pronouncements about how entire genders—as in slightly less than half of the effing human population—behaves and thinks. If she and her husband roll like this, fab. Any reason his preferences have to be “how men are” instead of “how Evan is?”

I just don’t understand why these people can’t use the word “some.” It would fix everything. “Some men are very visual.” Great! My response would be “it sounds like your husband is one of those men, Miranda! I’m glad you guys know each other’s likes and dislikes! That’s an important component in a marriage!” Instead,

My God. If any part of her reputation that Taylor wants to rehabilitate is the impression that she dispatches her minions to respond to criticism directed at her, she might want to tell this director to shut his pie hole. He sounds not only juvenile and idiotic, but so butthurt for seemingly no reason.

As Andy would say, with all due, anyone who’s ever heard Andy Cohen open his mouth can confirm such.

I’ve seen this sentiment expressed here repeatedly lately, and I don’t understand it at all, unless it’s some rationalization for buying a pet from a store* (hint: there’s no rationale for that). I have had 5 pets from rescues (and have worked with a number of shelters and rescues as a volunteer). They have been

32.7% of babies are c-section. That’s high but not remotely everyone.

Eeesh. I had my second 6 weeks ago via c-section and my abdomen hasn’t bothered me in probably 4-5 weeks. Are you healing ok?

See, I have no problem with “we’re having a baby,” because I take the “having” to refer to bringing a child into your life, not literally giving birth. I hate “we’re pregnant.” I went on a rant about this while I was pregnant and my husband, who I find to be...well, not at *all* that guy, looked at me baffled and

Don’t they have that sweet HBO money?

I think they must hand out a ton of awards but like, not during the show or something? Like the technical Oscars that are given days before. It makes the show all the more baffling now, because it’s an awards show where the awards are pretty peripheral. The whole thing has gotten really bizarre.

A few bits with music? I turned it off at 10—2 hours in—and they had handed out 2 awards. Everything else was a performance.

The worst part is, her kids’ glasses line is why she’s talking about it. In her long string of appropriations for profit, we can now add “impersonating a mom of a child with special needs.”

Acccccccctually, “my wife’s and my” because you’re always supposed to come last. I’ll see your pedantry and raise it. 😉

Maybe see the episode before making pronouncements about what it is or isn’t in “reality?” As I stated in my comment below, Kim didn’t want to do the shoot and Kris talked her into it. Kris is there because she’s Kim’s manager.

If you watch the whole episode, Kim was *super* uncomfortable with it and didn’t want to. Kris convinced her to. And then took photos (what? For posterity? You’re at a *photoshoot*. Why would you need your own snaps?) while creepily encouraging Kim. That’s why the ref to Mama Rose.

I didn’t see it because I feel strongly that JC still owes me $5.25* and 3 hours of my life for Titanic.

It’s Kim posing for Playboy. And her mother stagemothering in a way that would make Mama Rose blush.