
That is because the Ferris Wheel at Cedar Point is literally 6 miles in diameter. The thing brushes the moon at the top—I assure you. That thing scared the shit outta me. I had to go spend hours in Berenstain Bearland to recover.

Nope. Only if they have tables and chairs (in New York).

Word! “Corruption’s such an old song that we can sing along in harmony / And nowhere is it stronger than in Albany.”

Ehhhhh, how long have you lived here? Albany’s corruption and mismanagement are almost mythic. I say that as a native Detroiter and former Chicagoan—two cities that will acquaint you with corruption. But Albany’s is in another league, as if it’s intrinsic to the way they do business.

Actual statement made to my husband recently, after becoming exasperated with a male colleague’s consistent combination of arrogance and incompetence: “I’m coming to think men just don’t belong in the work force. No offense, my love, but you guys are just not suited for it.”

This conversation makes me want to kill something. Sorry, dudebro, is Ossoff actually a flipbook and not a carbon-based lifeform? Is he a hologram? When people try to classify “real” from “unreal” public figures, my eyes roll so hard I worry they’ll get stuck. You mean you respond to Bernie’s/Bryce’s/et al’s

If you have to ask, it’s a patriarchy issue.

Isn’t that like, the definition of orthodoxy though? It literally means a belief that is accepted as true. So I always thought the “no room for disagreement” was kind of the point? I mean, don’t ask me. I was raised a fundamentalist Baptist. We have our own problems.

They’ve made a huge resurgence in Union Square in particular in the last 5 years or so. They never fully went away—I remember having a friend in grad school in 2006 or so who lived in their boarding house or whatever because it was so cheap (you just had to, uh, live with hare krishnas). But they didn’t take to

It’s almost like people are using fundamentalist doctrine to justify their extant desire to oppress women.

“Hey, denty!” gets me every. time.

That commenter was joking. ;) But I appreciate hearing from an orthodox person on this.

I will accept all tenets of this argument but insist we add an amendment stating that having a script “signature” of your name is far worse than any body font choice. It says, “I’m so crazy, I think things are made official by putting my name in cursive.”

People like you make me feel safe in the world. Like, “Oh, thank Christ someone knows what the hell to do!”

Depp’s wine spending is always cited in these articles as his most egregious luxury. Personally, it seems like good sense to me. Spare me the private islands, the diamond-encrusted safety pin earrings (vom), the $20,000 monthly allowance for Wet ‘n Wild eyeliner. But give me the good wine.

Please read the “confession” of why he took it. It makes zero sense.

You know that poster stealing story is widely disputed, right? Heads up: just because the NK government says it happened doesn’t mean it did. In fact, the odds are probably better that it didn’t.

Pfff. These are at Costco for $27 all summer.

Pfff. These are at Costco for $27 all summer.

It looks like Rosie is her birth name. I’m no fan or anything, but it doesn’t appear she changed it.

Real talk: no one deserves to be objectified and body shamed, regardless of their banshee status.