
I’m not treating it like a disease. I’m noting that “natural” in no way implies...well, anything. It has no bearing on whether something is good or bad.

My point is that under no circumstances does “natural” necessarily equate to good, healthy, safe, or optimal.

Childbirth is indeed risky but it’s also natural.

And having twins would be...that’s right, a complication. The vast majority of births take place outside a hospital not because they are safer, but because hospital births are not available to many outside the developed world. Hospital births are safer, full stop. If there is a complication, doubly so. But because

Which is exactly what they did at Lenox Hill 5 years ago. The public was not pleased when a bunch of actually high-risk cases got bumped for a very routine delivery (of Blue).

I’m waiting on the home birthers to come out rabid for you, but I have to second this. I’m 100% sure that they have enough money to have basically made their home into a hospital, but that difference between “basically a hospital” and “a hospital” can be the difference between life and death. Who knows if this is

I’m waiting on the home birthers to come out rabid for you, but I have to second this. I’m 100% sure that they have enough money to have basically made their home into a hospital, but that difference between “basically a hospital” and “a hospital” can be the difference between life and death. Who knows if this is

My personal favorite element of this rumor is the sort of counter-rumor? tertiary rumor? that he actually won’t in or out himself because it lends more credibility to him as an actor to be (a) considered maybe gay and (b) keeping the public out of his personal life, and that he/his team have long spread the gay

Google her history with her mom, dude. She is *not* someone whose team you want to be on.

Seconded. No man who ever had frosted tips is getting so much as the tip inside me.

Iiiiiiii’m not sure Courtney has a ton of self-awareness that this is her MO. I don’t 100% see her sitting down to her keyboard and then thinking, “ya know, I’ve been guilty of some carrying on for publicity’s sake, and people in glass houses and all that...” She doesn’t seem terribly introspective where her flaws are

Whoops. Didn’t mean to put Bill on there twice. But I mean, if anyone deserves it...

I think there’s a difference between finding someone tedious versus reprehensible. Sure, it’s consensual, and so that makes it not horrifying. It’s just a little tired to me how Leo cycles through the VS models. I find Demi Lovato’s constant “body positivity” messaging exhausting because she has herself photoshopped

The drag queen-level shade Vicente is throwing is killllllling me. The Diet Coke joke! The Melania joke! The use of “fucken!” Someone give this man a guest judging spot on Drag Race! ¡Viva el Vicente!

I mean, I agree, but if you’re an Us Weekly reader, you know that none of the first-person headlines come from actual interviews. Just like Kim, Britney, et al didn’t give them these quotes.

Finally it makes sense. Immediately after the election, the Trumps were on the cover of Us Weekly for 6 solid weeks (I know this because I had no good bathroom reading for 42 solid days). I would stop by my newsstand, see the cover, and wave off the newsstand guy, because that shit is not getting my $5. Given the

Aaaahahahaha. This is definitely not the case but I love that you believed it was.

Ummmm...they were married, not siblings.

What’s funny is Ted Cruz is exactly the kind of asshole who isn’t sure what makes him an asshole. He literally thinks it’s everyone else. Hadn’t he already found his calling in the senate, he’d be excellent on a reality show. On second thought, can someone lure him away from politics and towards WEtv? Think of how

See, my issue with Ariel is never what she wants the issue to be. Like here: girl, my bod was like that as a late teen/early 20something and I *wish* I had rocked it harder. Do you. But when you do, make sure to put some soothing cream on your razor burn and/or ‘shop that shit out. You can flash your whole labia for