Seriously! Even if he weren’t the Living Worst™ (my preferred brand of awful), he’s saturated the fucking airwaves. There are about 10,000,000 better choices than this, up to and including the dump I took this morning.
Seriously! Even if he weren’t the Living Worst™ (my preferred brand of awful), he’s saturated the fucking airwaves. There are about 10,000,000 better choices than this, up to and including the dump I took this morning.
$100 says @fyrefraud is 50 Cent tweeting from on top a pile of Vitamin Water cash.
I hear you. But it means someone died of their injuries after some time passed, which actually is way worse. If I’ve got to be killed by some fuckwit who drank too many margaritas, let it be quick.
None of her dad’s wives helped raise her (except Kris).
Everyone in the family says that Caitlyn was as much their dad (their word) growing up as Robert. Making these distinctions between biological and acting parents is unnecessary.
Seconded. Sometimes I’m like, Khloe, as the Pinterest saying goes, you don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to, girl. Take it from someone seriously high-strung: it’s ok to just let some shit go.
And not crossing her legs, like all serious, slightly chubby, short-legged women.
This is super helpful. I just discovered I know virtually nothing about how the energy market works. The good news is I rent, so solar power probably isn’t in my near future. However, my building put solar panels all over our roof...and tenants don’t have access to the power.
Oh, Christ. Who didn’t? Every teenager is a narcissist, and Rand nicely created a manifesto for them. But most grow out of it.
Can we talk about the 2.9% thing for a sec? Wouldn’t that be proportionate to inflation? I assume that I pay more for my electricity now than I did in 2007, because my dollar isn’t worth what it was then. Wouldn’t it be typical that if you’re setting rates annually, rather than according to market fluctuations or…
Because this family is essentially a cartel, and the three eldest sisters, followed by Kris, Kylie, and Kendall are the most powerful elements (they’re EPs on his show) and are somehow tasked with deciding what’s best for (and probably in this order) (1) their collective and individual brands (2) Rob’s sad and nascent…
Cosigned. As a ciswoman, I have to recognize (and challenge, abdicate from, etc.) my cis privilege and am also aware of the misogyny that affects me. To me, it would follow that a transwoman AMAB would have to contend with the male privilege in which she lived for whatever period of time, while also having to…
Um, that’s not really how race works? The census will no longer include LGBTQ categories so by your logic, there aren’t any non-straight, non-cis people anymore.
Person B hardly said “not that it matters,” for one thing. It seems to matter very much to Person B, actually. And Person B also said “The kid is not black! He’s Haitian!” which is kind of like saying, “That kid is not Latino! He’s Mexican!” Without context, it’s hard to know if the mother is bothered by the lack…
And the list of approved disorders/diseases is painfully short. We’re a long way from “I have anxiety so I need to spark up a doob.” It’s more like, terminal cancer and some other conditions that are so awful, I’d rather just buy weed illegally than have them.
Right? When did it become a thing to just smoke a J like a cigarette? I don’t really care per se, but in my day, we ducked into an alley. I’m also pregnant and not super keen on inhaling any kind of second-hand smoke.
Yeah, this is Step 7: Disabuse Them of the Notion that I’m an Irritating Narc in the Get America to Like Me Again playbook.
I couldn’t stand Richard Kine until “Inside Out” and the transformative power of Bing Bong. Add this gif to the impetus for my change of heart.
Also, she’s coming after you? And wanna know how, fellas???? She’s not going to play golf with you. Oooooooh. I bet they’re quaking in their boat shoes, Cait.
If I were to go back and rewrite my undergrad thesis (major: cultural studies), it would be called What We Talk About When We Talk About Kanye. And if I couldn’t manage to get through that, it would instead be a meditation on how class and race privilege have seemingly blinded Caitlyn to oppression, including…