
I said this to my sister yesterday. I was like, “I do the bare minimum in pursuit of not being an ass hole. And I have to tell you, it is not remotely taxing.” Guys, it’s not hard. You know it’s not allowed, and people are not being touchy. So stop with the, “Jeez, guys! I didn’t know better! It was a joke!” You did

Damn it, I cannot help myself. I find Kanye so delightful.

Here comes the “Fuck Amy Schumer, she’s not even funny and besides, remember that she’s a bad feminist!” I have an idea that is deeply unlikely to catch on here at the internet, but I’m throwing it out there: maybe we could say Amy Schumer is flawed and sometimes her brand of feminism is problematic, but I appreciate

Do tell: what is the appropriate way to respond to a person who screams at you to flash your tits? I wouldn’t want to humiliate the next guy who verbally assaults me.

Seriously. That bitch couldn’t tell the truth by accident.

You guys. I am so attracted to G-Eazy. Is there a cure?

Dude, the way you’re trying to create distance in the relationship is truly bizarre. It’s not like his ex adopted some chick who he met at a bar years later. He raised her with Mia Farrow from the time she was 8. That’s not “his ex-girlfriend’s daughter.” Also, sure he married her at 22. Do you mind noting when he

I cannot believe this argument still gets traction. “Well, she’s not *actually* his daughter!” Ok, let’s say she was a child adopted by his partner, who lived in a house with him from the time she was about 8, and who he helped raise...until he started dating her while she was underage. We won’t even get into her

Also, he said she was “out to lunch,” which doesn’t mean crazy. It means not aware of what’s going on. What my mom would call “dippy.” Was he lovely in that interview? No. Was it asshole level? No, I wouldn’t say so.

Oh my god, get out of here with that. You know less than nothing about how schools work in New York. Firstly, New York is a wildly liberal place, so how exactly can all of us liberals pack into a handful of elite schools? Second of all, maybe elite schools thrive here because, I don’t know, there’s a lot of people

This is schooling in New York. Welcome to hell. My niece’s *preschool* is $27,000. And that’s with an employee discount.

The Tangerine Menace, as my sister calls him.

Sorry, Cameron Douglas. You may have spent 8 years in prison, but striking that thug life pose while wearing Toms just doesn’t have the desired effect.

There seems to be a large “that letter was trolling” contingent on here, and I just want to raise that even if the letter writer was trolling, it’s incredibly reckless to post a response that does not acknowledge the implicit rape in that letter, since it’s printed publicly. Maybe the writer is trolling, maybe not.

I guess it’s fitting that Jared Leto’s version of the Joker appears to have Florida tattooed on his face.

I know exactly what you mean. I had a very close family member struggle with anorexia for years, and I can spot an eating disorder from miles. And no, it’s not a weight-based thing. There’s something about the way someone with an ED carries her/himself, and you can just tell. I’m not trying to say I derive

You forgot the only other thing she does to keep herself relevant: making sure everyone knows how smokin’ her bod is each and every moment of the day. More power to you, girlfriend. I’m just a little...bored?

Thank you for sharing your story and raising awareness about what the experience of bipolar mania is.

Kim Zolciak sees Kim Kardashian’s dermatologist. I hate myself for knowing that.

I love him, but in spite of his total inability to play American. His accent is abysmal, and I’m always left thinking, “oh, if that guy’s not British, someone needs to tell his face.”