Slow Sprint

You weren’t wearing pants and the neighbor said “your dog is loose”?

I think the only rule change that really fixes this “problem” is eliminating male or female divisions. Just race everybody together.  

Don’t cross her or she WILL speak with your supervisor. 

The WNBA makes sense to me because the best women in the world legitimately can’t compete with the best men in the world at basketball. If there was no WNBA, there’d be no way for women to play basketball professionally.

“You have fun with your little game, I’m gonna go get the top half of my face tanned!”

Alternate headline: “Dipshit picks fight with pro athlete, loses.”

I’m old enough to remember the rumors that Morgan Freeman had an inappropriate sexual relationship with his step-grandkid, so I’m finding it hard to be surprised he is a creep.

You’d think a Packer would know what’s in his luggage.

It’s all academic until the conclusion of the 2021-22 season, when the TV contracts expire. If the ratings continue to decline for a few more years, we’re going to see a dramatic shift in how the networks not only spend for the rights to broadcast the games, but how much content they actually show. I don’t mean the

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

That and everyone’s way of doing things no matter how obnoxious and upsetting to others around them is somehow their “right” and you saying anything about it or criticizing them is infringing on said “rights”.

Football does terrible things to decent people. When battle isn’t being waged on the gridiron, they’re very well-meaning, rational human beings. But once the opening whistle blows, the tribal mentality kicks in. An opposing gladiator’s injury that might require hospitalization is suddenly a cause of celebration.

Takes longer but a pizza steel is the without a doubt the best method we have used to date. Creates the best crust of any home method we have tried by a huge margin. Only downside is the pre-heat.

Takes longer but a pizza steel is the without a doubt the best method we have used to date. Creates the best crust

Not pictured- the French man’s watch now in the child’s possession

I liked this kid until I saw the hat on his head. Poor life choices.

Exactly. How the hell do you go from, ‘My closest group of friends have been with me through it all’ but now I’m sick of them asking me for support?Sounds like the writer’s friends might be the ones to benefit from breaking up.

frankly, it seemed to me that the letter writer was amazingly selfish. By her own admission, she leaned on her friends for emotional support for five years. I bet her friends sometimes got frustrated with her “cloud of negativity” at points during that. Now, they are in a position where they need support, and she’s

Nope. It's always fine not to tip someone. Your pay isn't my problem, nor is your conscious decision to opt for a lower-paying job packaging to-go orders instead of waiting on tables. Don't like the result of your decision? Change it.
