Slow Mutant

No snark. I love that your concern when buying a new car is your dog.

I’m in (what used to be) Lindsay Graham’s district. It earns no points.

Jericho’s first book mentioned it twice, once in a forward, and later beneath a picture of his friends, Chris and Nancy. He wrote a great line about it, something to the effect of “I went back and forth about whether or not to include this picture, but ultimately decided that to take it out would be to deny that they

It will be. My bet is that Sarah’s actually at the meet.

Ah, Vegas. You get one NHL team and now you think you can tell Canadians what to do. Welcome to the league!

You know how once every couple weeks there’s a political story and people start saying “I wish we were like Canada”....this is your counterpoint.

Um, the Rock is a person of color. He seems to have done fairly well. And the women’s division has gotten a huge push in the last few years. Just because the Montreal Screwjob was when you stopped watching (don’t blame you. I stopped after Chris Benoit killed his family) doesn’t automatically mean everything that

It bothers me that pro wrestling can be referred to as fake, but every other scripted show isn’t. Great professional wrestling is great entertainment, period.

Yet another piece that points out what we all knew. Dave Barry is a genius.

Say what you want about the Sixers, but to win 47 NBA games in those years without NBA players, Brett Brown is a goddamn genius.

This. Just because Jack La lanne could pull a goddamn tug boat into his 80s doesn’t mean a politician can. People’s brains go south as they get older. Barrack Obama was 48 when he took office, 56 when he left. That’s a good age. Old enough to have some experience, young enough to handle the job and have his brain

Little known fact: the mental abilities of humans tend to go south past the age of 70. Perhaps we should stop electing old people.

You misspelled “76ers.” #TrustTheProcess

Um, high level competitive athletes who don’t win championships have always considered themselves losers. It’s kinda what gets them to push so hard to be the best.

This. Faith, in anything, is the problem. Every problem throughout history has been caused because people believed beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were right. Faith shuts down debate and conversation.

It’s very “no true Scotsman,” but I’m a conservative. I believe in the government staying out of my personal life, while still ensuring safety. I believe in taking some responsibility with budgets and spending. That’s why I vote Democrat.

Same. These new formats are awful.

Some of the universities here are doing stuff for it.

I’m in the 70mile section and working at a university that is a designated watch spot! Can’t wait!

Some of us are married and occasionally use the computer for, uh, shopping for gifts for my lovely wife.