Ah, but he would also have been driving on the other side of the road, which means he would have likely missed the pole entirely due to the different trajectory. ;)
Ah, but he would also have been driving on the other side of the road, which means he would have likely missed the pole entirely due to the different trajectory. ;)
...and his brother, Mike Hunt is still loose.
I admit it, I lol’d so hard when the second guy fell for it right after scolding the other dude when he fell for it.
I may have phrased that poorly, but the win over the Titans was the 2011 opener, the last time the Jaguars started a season with a win.
I’m with you on this. I personally find mid engine cars to be twitchy spin-out machines. Confidence in a car goes a long way when you’re behind the wheel trying to go fast.
He still threw three touchdowns and put up 380 yards combined. That’s like, pretty good.
Thank you sir, you reminded me of many wonderful hangovers that I would not trade for anything.
It is my most fervent wish to throw out a first pitch. I will fling that ball in there at 85+ and everyone will be like “lol wtf why didn’t you kick that.”
I masturbate to pictures of fans crying after a tough/shocking loss.
The Gators radio call? No, no, no. That’s not what we want. We want the Tennessee radio call.
Hold up, that MTV Gamecube is dope as hell.
“overengineering” So true. From a bodyshop perspective, I used to hate to work on Toyotas in the 90's. You literally had a bucket full of bolts, nuts and other serious hardware after overhauling a bumper. These days it’s the opposite..”underengineering”. You now have 2 (TWO) screws, a few clips at the most on a…
Seriously. I’ve got 10 years of club racing experience and I still don’t trust myself in a mid engined car. Snap oversteer combined with pendulum effect is a recipe for disaster.
There’s more than two of us. There’s that one other guy, at least.
Like this?
Back at the end of the 80s, early 90s, I lived (and worked) at the Ren Faire there on Hwy 37 in Sonoma Cty. On faire days, there was an observed no-fly zone so we didn’t have planes interruptng our 400-year-old environment. That did not stop the races from Sears Point, however. Whether faire was on or not, sometimes…
Jesus it looks like a bloated tick O_O
That rear-end is clown big.