Wave Motion Gun

Hate the game, not the Gary Player.

I know you need clicks, but the actual story could have provided some context for your headline.

Google’s co-founders brought about the idea of a dual-class structure, according to Backchannel, and it’s more or less moved into the mainstream for corporations.”

I think he’s using the word ‘rare’ incorrectly.

Like...I carry more than that to go to the range, in a wider variety of caliber and type. Just saying.

Terrifying arsenal? Seriously? You lose credibility with statements like this. He had what looks like two pistols, a rifle, and about 100 rounds of ammunition. Can we please stop with the ridiculous hyperbole?

Having learned the difference between “waterproof” and “water-resistant”, I’m not sure I would have much faith in a “bullet-resistant vest”.

I prefer the cheap plastic ones that i pick up at restaurant depot. I cycle them out every year or so, but I cook quite a bit.

I prefer the cheap plastic ones that i pick up at restaurant depot. I cycle them out every year or so, but I cook

Agreed. Mine broke on me while I was digging the hole for our new swimming pool. Probable for the best though, it was taking a really long time. Finished the job with my wooden mixing spoon.

Agreed. Mine broke on me while I was digging the hole for our new swimming pool. Probable for the best though, it

You’d have to carefully compare yourself to determine the differences versus relying on others to do so for you. However, generally speaking German and Japanese steel and knife design are quite different and you’ll find devotees in each camp. That said, all the steel in one or the other isn’t exactly the same either

You’d have to carefully compare yourself to determine the differences versus relying on others to do so for you.

I was once dispatched to a woman “who fell down and her head exploded.”

No shit. USe the right tool for the job!

No shit. USe the right tool for the job!

Cyclist went into the back of someone? Anyone. Then the cyclist is at fault, shouldn’t have been tailgating and should have been paying attention to the traffic. Not that cyclists ever pay attention to other road users, they travel in their own magic bubble of smugness.

Sounds like these cannucks need to hang out with Rob Dahm.

Don’t know what’s worse the people who believe these YouTubers or the ones, typically younger kids and teens, that look up to YouTubers and want to be YouTubers themselves.

Just one question. Why are you helping these jerks make more money by linking and embedding their videos?

Get enthusiastic consent, and don’t create a fucked up power dynamic? The horror 🙄

That would have to be some buyout package for Ford to expect and get 100% acceptance. It’s like Raphael didn’t even bother reading the quote he posted into his own article.

On the Ford buyouts, I don’t think it’s accurate to say they’re “cutting 15,000 jobs.” They’re offering voluntary buyouts to 15,000 people, with the goal of having 1,400 actually take the buyout and leave. If you’ve got 10 people doing function X, and you think you only need 9, you can offer all 10 a buyout, and see