Travel height

Took me a second. When I saw it; snorted, sharted. I'm gonna need a moment.

“nonexistent daps”

You’re adorable. How many times did your uncle molest you in your insignificant, pathetic childhood. I now allow you and your filthy mother cunt to die in a fire. Until the point that you do die in said fire, continue to try to convince yourself that you are an intelligent, well reasoned human.

But Sean R. You are a shining beacon of bravery! Go die in a fire you irrelevant cunt.

Hi Sean R. You are a weak, minuscule cunt. I sincerely hope that you die in a fire.


Schrute would've manned up.

Philadelphian here. In miguel’s defense, neck punching is required within city limits.

Nobody is too white for this world.

Many an ovary you possess rom. Sweet tiger lilies rest upon thine oves. Carry on.

“get you to have sex with me”. Euphuisms are hilarious.

This is not a football catch.

I'm pretty sure you win.

No worries.

There will never, ever, be a big enough meteor. Shitbirds! :(

No honey. It hurt his reasonable sensibilities. Love you!

You are correct sir

You, my friend. You.

You dipshits are aware(self) of the “argument”, right?

Christ had nothing to do with this.