
This isn’t surprising.  The Broncos have been struggling to pass since Manning retired.

More like this, please! I get so tired of football articles that live in coach-speak or banal observations. As a dork who played for a year in high school 20+ years ago (I was tasked with ‘best receiver on the scout team’ role, if that gives an indication of my talent; I was much better suited for XC and middle

It’ll be very interesting to see how the USMNT manages to completely squander his entire prime...

Never thought I’d see a pro-gun take on Deadspin.

I grew up an evangelical, “speaking in tongues”, born-again Christian. I was anti-abortion, anti pre-marital sex, and had no idea what LGBTQ+ was (it didn’t even have the letters back then).

Wow, it’s like having an always-on, internet-connected microphone on or near your person is an absolutely terrible idea.

including a disturbing, months-long courtship of one of his own players

I’ve always had a theory that the reason the Dominion is the way it is is because they are already at war with the Borg on the Gamma-Delta frontier. Jem Hadar seem to be designed to resist assimilation, since the ketracel white addiction will kill them a few h ours into the process. Then Vorta are all clones, so the

Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01, former Borg, turned liberated Starfleet officer.

As an Econ student, I find it very irritating that people point to economics as the reason why women’s soccer has struggled. The men’s game has had a head start, decades of support and investment that of course correlates with larger fanbases, media, revenue, etc. This is not the same for the women, in fact, it was

I do agree that Warheads and Sour Patch Kids are very bad. Warheads’ sourness is flavorless, and once gone it’s maybe the worst, cheapest candy I’ve ever had, and that’s saying something because there used to be a little market in my school days that sold off-brand pixie stix in plastic straws, a hundred for a buck

Lavelle absolutely LACED a few shots in the knockout round, but they could not find the back of the net. She willed a goal when it mattered most 

I hope she gets traded to Portland so that every Thorn has its Rose.

I wouldn’t have a moment’s hesitation. RWD? Check. Maneuverable? Check. Attractive? Check (beauty is in the eye of the beholder, anyhow). Fun colors? Check. Lightweight? Check. Balanced? Check. Affordable? Yet to be determined, but that seems to be the goal, so a preemptive Check.

Dear Honda,

citation needed

Yeah, it’s obviously Burneko’s fault.


I’m lazy so I just kinda fold the top inch or two of the coffee filter out and around the rim of a coffee mug so it’s held in place and pour the grease on through. I love using bacon fat to make roux for soups and cheese sauces and shit like that.