Wow, lots of people sitting on their high horses in here. Ryan Dunn made a horrible mistake, one that he paid for with his life..for others to say he deserved to die because of that is more a reflection of the commenters character than Ryan's.
Wow, lots of people sitting on their high horses in here. Ryan Dunn made a horrible mistake, one that he paid for with his life..for others to say he deserved to die because of that is more a reflection of the commenters character than Ryan's.
Only a few hundred or so of these windmills need to be installed to equal one nuke plant...
You should've been upfront with the investigators in your initial investigation (and any subsequent follow-ons).
Dickhead being in this case a double entendre?
This story isn't making waves with me.
Have a bit of clock envy, do ya?
True, but this applies to modern city reservoirs - I hope you know what I meant.
Sorry dude, but @Ben Zvan got ya in this go-round. It was a good read between you two though. People who avoid or fight extradition over some vague notion of not getting a fair trial have something to hide, plain and simple. I appreciate you defending this guy tooth-and-nail, but seriously, it appears as if *your*…
Which begs the next question of how idiots like this get to run the water system for a major city. Is 'Eww, grody!' an official scientific term?
I read another article about this, apparently they treat the water at another reservoir upstream of the one the guy pissed in. BTW, great avatar/handle.
So my first reaction is that it's gross or whatever to have open reservoirs and not covering..but after reading up on it a bit, there don't appear to be any great health danger. How many decades have most of us been drinking out of open reservoirs???
That guy's moobs are bigger than hers...
My Bic is usually doubles as my bottle opener...
You are definitely an asshole, but there's nothing elite about you.
Truth about what? That they're ugly? What I can't figure out is why you even give a damn.
You are a hateful and intolerant troll.
An old school retiree never had to spend 15 months in Iraq. The 'older generation must think we're pussies' bit could be applied to every previous generation, pretty much going back as far as you want to take it.
A felony? Absolutely ridiculous. This will probably be the end to all those streaming sites.