No, it's the farthest thing from honorable. All they had to do was keep this private between them and the Sony people.
No, it's the farthest thing from honorable. All they had to do was keep this private between them and the Sony people.
Awesome, now I know what Sam meant when he said, "not something we're going to link to."
Maybe the best headline of the year...
Awwww shit, get your T-Pain modulators ready, it's about to go down!!!!!!
I suppose the parking lot itself would be cooler, but the reflected energy has to go somewhere, and I highly doubt this will make for a noticeable effect in Phoenix.
Anthony's weiner has hired a lawyer to investigate these changes.
The reasons for enlisting don't matter.
Larry is one of the richest men in the entire world, buy the trees from the neighbors or buy their house from them. I can't imagine having his resources and wealth and yet having neighbors so close...he should take a page from Bill Gates' playbook and buy out all his surrounding neighbors.
Oh the fucking nerve of Samsung to accuse Apple of ripping them off.
At least somebody who builds an elaborate train set can watch the trains run around. This guy can't do shit with this except dust it once a week. I suppose the constructing of this *is* the hobby, rather than doing something with it when you're done.
Or Lawrence Taylor. The issue isn't that he's poor, and Kiljoy is so misguided for suggesting it. The issue is he's a child predator and convicted sex offender... fuck him and his internet rights.
Iran is, to an extent, trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube...I hope it blows up right in their face.
I think this is borderline murder..or at least some form of manslaughter. To knowingly give a suicidal person a foolproof method of death is very bad IMO. Suicide is a road that should be walked alone.
I assume Alaska Air has done the necessary testing, but it seems like e-ink would be better. I would hate for a pilot need to use the manual and a sunny cockpit / ambient light prevent him from seeing the screen well enough.
It's the first fucking time in US history this has happened, and it was just a simple question, so lighten the hell up. To say he must return bills to Congress doesnt in any way imply he should walk to Congress himself, but to say he shall sign a bill says exactly what he should do.
Is it legal for a bill to become law if the president is out of the country and doesn't actually sign it? In the Constitution is states that the president is to sign bills, yet an autopen is most certainly not the's just a signature maker.
I hear ya. As a practical matter if the street value is 5k, the LAPD will pay at least triple..aaaaand if that system catches 1 perp per year, I don't think the cost/benefit is worth it. California is out of money, luxuries like this don't seem smart to me, but then again if the government spent money smartly my…
They should release non-violent petty weed offenders (among others). Then they should legalize weed. That would go a long way towards overcrowding.