I was just about to post the same thing..it almost defies belief.
I was just about to post the same thing..it almost defies belief.
That is exactly the way the law is written in a lot of states. An intruder simply being in the home is implied imminent threat.
Breaking into somebody's house, whatever the intention, is foul.
Dude probably saved his own life, because the home owner did indeed have every right to shoot him. There is no duty to retreat in Oregon.
26 months and counting for my iPhone 3G..with a spiderwebbed face. Still going strong, holdin' out for the iP5.
Yeah, the residents of Newport Beach (among other Orange County cities) wouldn't tolerate potholes for all their Bimmers to get abused in. I love that place...so beautiful with the best roads I've ever driven on.
One of the generally agreed upon best movies ever made, Godfather 2, was yes, a sequel of a movie based upon a book. And, looking at the top 10 grossing films of 1974, the year G2 was released, at least 6 of 10 were either sequels or adaptations. That is (I think) the exact same percentage of the top 10 grossing…
You're talking about Spike Jonze..who adapted an, ahem, children's book..and a crappy adaptation at that. Get it, adaptation??
That linked article is bullshit. First off, you could almost substitute Schindler's List for Inception. Favor from the studio? Yes. Will it play to wide audiences due to content? Probably not. Black and white, WTF? It'll sink it. Guess what, it was an abject success.
Reagan won 49/50 states..and barely lost Minnesota, Walter Mondale's home state.
If he was driving the COT, he'd be alive...I bet he'd rather drive it than die.
If I could afford a Ferrari, the average age of a Ferrari owner in my household would be 33.
Sadly, one of the best things to happen to NASCAR was Dale Earnhardt dying on the track due to the safety innovations that resulted as a result of that accident.
Not one of those axes you profiled is appropriate for splitting wood, you would need a maul for that. Our maul growing up was the bane of my existence, ugh.
You have an issue with iPad's battery life being inadequate?!?
@supergeek1694: Let Cristiano Ronaldo get crushed by the Steelers' James Harrison multiple times per game and see how much jogging he does then.
@slyshady: I can never figure out the hostility of (usually American) soccer fans towards american football. Really, who cares? So what if we prefer football? I sure as shit don't care if somebody likes soccer the best, and most football fans I know feel the same way.
@WheresWinPho: You are aware this post isn't about Janet Jackson's titty, aren't you?