
@Dustin-The-Wind: I guess, counting cards is part of gambling (if you can do it)...all the counting does is set up a favorable condition, but it's still gambling. If you listen to or read the books of top poker players, they're very good at math, and in fact a lot of them are highly educated.

Does anybody actually still believe the government when they tell assure us that whatever insanity they propose isn't going to take us down a slippery slope over time??

You're only 10, but I have some serious statutory love for ya iTunes..happy birthday!

@chlkaufman: Haha, it's funny, you get an example (which you asked for) of a great artist stealing and it makes not one bit of difference as to how you feel...and idiots like Kanye and Shakira rise to the level of 'artist' instead. Oh well...

@nathonix: Really, reinforced cause he's moving? So he should drive the van, move into his new house and then take a bus back to his old house and should then ride his motorcycle back? Yeah, that's smart. Whatever dude.

@caliaa: Good Artists Borrow, Great Haters Hate

@chlkaufman: Michelangelo's pose for Adam in the Sistine Chapel was lifted from another artist named Ghiberti.

@wkiernan: The problem with the grid is that if millions of cars are plugged in, probably at night, the gas / coal / and other non nuclear plants would be required to run during these nighttime hours to maintain the load on the grid. Nuke plants have no problem running 24/7, and as a matter of fact it's better to run

@JosephFinn: Do you know what went down with this rapist and if he was or wasn't dealt with? No. Do you know anything about Bill's situation other than he doesn't want to publicly identify the guy? No. IOW you have NO idea if others were or weren't protected from the rapist.

@Bfarnn: Beatles Love is brilliant!! - that record was created by George Martin and his son with the blessing of the Beatles, using the original masters.

I am bothered by this letter.

@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: I wonder if the parents of that dead baby would be considered a moron by you for wanting to get their brain dead child to the hospital. Or the EMTs who ditched their ambulance to sprint on foot with the baby cause of all the unplowed roads due to bullshit games being played by the

I made it through 12 seconds. 12 seconds I'll never have back.

I was in 4th grade and our class was watching the launch live...our teacher made a big deal that there was a teacher on board. Needless to say we were all pretty speechless when it blew up. That's a beautiful pic though.

@venc: True, but he's close enough to those poles that a bolt could arc and nail him. @tomsomething is right, he only needed to be in one way he stood motionless in all that mess for a half hour.