
I’m incredibly worried for all the kids who have literally no one to reach out to if things are dangerous at homes. Hotlines and shelters are great and all, but how do kids contact them if they don’t have access to a phone and are isolated from any adult who’s not their abuser?

There is nothing appealing about them at all, and their continued existence is baffling, even when stoners are taken into account.

I’ve been a devotee of Inglehoffer Sweet Hot mustard since before I can remember. Sadly I only discovered the wonder of their stone ground a few years ago. It’s especially good in deviled eggs.

I’ve been a devotee of Inglehoffer Sweet Hot mustard since before I can remember. Sadly I only discovered the wonder

It makes zero sense! None!

I’m a monster!

I know!

I’ll definitely hit up the Chipotle test kitchen next time I’m in NYC. It will be a good place to get a bite to eat after a busy day of Central Park carriage rides, the M&M store, and a Phantom matinee.

Me! On my way home, I’ll periodically pick up a burrito at the Chipotle near Davis Square where I transfer from the T to my bus. There are even a number of excellent locally owned restaurants nearby where I could get a significantly better meal for a comparable price. I feel like I should be ashamed of myself, but

There’s a ‘different strokes for different folks’ joke in here somewhere.

A few days after adopting my first cat, I showed her Jellicle Cats on youtube.* She hissed and smacked my phone. I was extremely proud of her.

This reminds me of when I visit historic sites in Georgia. The tour guides proudly bring up the fact that Georgia was the only one of the colonies to ban slavery. They do not appreciate when I mention the ban only lasted 16 years, and the ban had little to do with owning humans being morally repugnant.

She’s adorable! Here’s my house panther, Kiernan. She wasn’t as enthused about her Halloween costume as I was.

I haven’t used one of those things in at least 20 years, yet I still reflexively felt a painful twinge in my ear just from that picture. In what way did those conform even remotely to the anatomy of the human ear?

In the early 80's when our family lived overseas, my mom routinely had to haul 2 young kids, by herself, on 24+ hour plane trips. Pretty much the only portable media players available were things like walkmans, and they were insanely expensive. The only break she got from having to keep a kid entertained is when both

That sounds very isolating.

What I find so horrifying about child pornography is the insidiousness of its perpetual existence. Survivors live with the reality that images of their abuse are probably out there somewhere, being viewed by who knows how many predators. I can’t even begin to imagine how that must feel. Yet, society as a whole treats

I had a similar experience with maraschino cherries. They’re great on a sundae, so I assumed there would be zero drawbacks from consuming an entire jar of them. I was so, so, wrong. 

Whatever he’s begging for with his eyes, OMG GIVE IT TO HIM NOW!!! GIVE HIM ALL THE THINGS!!!

Damn you capitalism!!!!!

These are worse, but only by a very small margin. They’re too narrow and the wicker digs into your legs.  They’re too deep to lean back in while eating, yet if you sit forward, the raised part on the front of the seat cuts off your circulation.