
Capitalism is an economic model whereas direct democracy is a form of government, and they don't exactly have anything to do with each other. That said, do you seriously want everything decided by popular vote? I don't even have to think for a few seconds before I think of even the smallest things that would be

Also, a plot twist ending where EVERYTHING you thought that you knew was wrong, and then another twist where you were even more wrong. Also, memes.

My only thoughts about this are that it might be easier to be pick-pocketed while distracted like this and that it might not withstand rain and snow so easily. Cool idea, though!

Oh, I should also note that if you go back and play Fusion again, Samus has a similar amount of monologues. People made a big deal out of that like Samus never spoke of Adam like that, but she did so over a decade ago. I didn't notice any feminist problems with the story either and the only things notable with it are

Other M has a pretty decent Metacritic score, though. In terms of gameplay and level design, it's just like the GBA games and the story is a very small part of the game. Sure, it's larger than the other games' storylines, but I found it very easy to ignore since the combat and exploration is still as solid as ever.

I'd honestly really like a game like Other M on 3DS. Despite the story trying a bit too hard I thought that the gameplay was just as solid as any other entry and it felt just like a remake of Fusion, one of my favorites. That said, I think that the Wii U needs Metroid more right now and I'd really like some new HD

I'm sorry, but you can't say it's a fact when it's clearly an opinion. Whether or not your opinion has merit you instantly lose credibility in eyes for being so immature about it.

Reusing the same engine is fine, economical even, for any studio. A large criticism against most Japanese game development, actually, is that they don't reuse engines a lot, reinventing them from a game-to-game basis or never licensing them out. You don't complain about the hundreds of Unreal Engine 3 games, do you?

I really like Nintendo is all. I don't have a problem with anybody releasing tons of sequels as long as they're good. Heck I'm right up there with Street Fighter fans looking forward to the fourth version of SF4 coming up this year, to give you an example of what I mean.

I did not realize that, haha. Thanks! Either way my point still stands.

Personally I don't really see why people allow themselves to get so upset about the large amount of Mario games. While they're very similar, they do try quite a few new things and have generally creative level design. If anything, it's a good thing that Nintendo doesn't have to constantly reinvent their IP portfolio

It's a bit more grey than simply letting the market decide or regulating the entire thing. The way we have it now, the ISPs own their own cables. They simply cannot expand everywhere because they'd have to duplicate tons of cables and make their own infrastructure. Meanwhile, as I understand it, telephone services

I read somewhere that another large reason for there not being a touch screen is VR. How could you use that screen with another screen stuck on your face?

The thing about the PS3 is that nearly every good multiplayer game on the platform was also multiplatform, online play only, or both. Those games were limited by both processing power as well as the fact that they could only support a maximum of 4 if they wanted to release the game in multiple places. On PC, there

Implying that it would be hard to find 16 people to play Half-Life 3 with you... ;)

Now playing

On the subject of whether or not it's a game, I present this video that sums up my thoughts perfectly.

That reminds me that I had a friend at work who got mad at me for spoiling Citizen Kane. You know, the movie that everybody knows the ending to by cultural osmosis. I was cracking up and couldn't believe her when she sounded upset about it, but I'm making it up to her by watching the movie with her and showing that

I'm not saying, and never implied, that they always attack Western religion, but rather that it seems to be a common theme. There are a lot of great things from Japan that do show religion in a more neutral, mature light like you say. One of my favorite films from Japan, for example, is Tokyo Godfathers, a film where