Absolutely indicative of what is wrong with the world these days. Oh the horror, a penis! Fuck, he’s a high school kid and they do stupid shit. It’s not the sort of thing that neither requires or deserves police intervention.
Absolutely indicative of what is wrong with the world these days. Oh the horror, a penis! Fuck, he’s a high school kid and they do stupid shit. It’s not the sort of thing that neither requires or deserves police intervention.
That’s a BMW in OshKosh clothing
Same here but 8 years in Canada. A simple manly handshake is all that is required. No fist bumps, high fives, weird thumb focused handshake thing.
Most English people fail at high fives, it’s not the done thing old chap
You mean the playoff system that goes on and on and on and makes the preceeding 4, 5, 6 months of the season irrelevant. The league system is the true test of staying power. To be the best over the entire season, gaining the most points, is significantly harder than winning a knock-out game.
Have you ever watched a Chris Evans show?
Many many say the same about Clarkson
Matt Le Blanc is the weak link in this
Well, he was in the original Top Gear so he probably got lost on the way and so Jason had to fill in for a while until Captain Slow found the studio.
Dear Americans,
Police aren’t responsible for issuing parking tickets in the UK, these are Traffic Wardens.
I just hope VR isn’t the only way forward. I get motion sickness bad enough when playing games that are FP based. I’m pretty sure VR is going to be a complete bust. Even 5 minutes playing around with Google Cardboard made me want to chunder.
His Kinja name is a dead giveaway
It’s not available officially, but it’s easy enough to get
I'd happily watch Top Gear from the 70s
By that I meant you can park a Car2Go pretty much anywhere in Metro Vancouver, including downtown, where there is resident only permit parking.
That’s a sweet 5 series BMW they’ve got there..............oh and fuck those ass-clown organ donors.
D’oh, why didn’t I think of that :rollseyes:
To be used and paid for by residents of said city. Works well in most of Metro Vancouver, although a couple of the cities have declined to allow them to operate.
Yep, just goes to show the Toronto authorities are dicks