
This is not about sales numbers. It's about the fact that WebOS is no longer supported and the entire line is being discontinued. Android Honeycomb and Gingerbread are still getting updates, apps are being released everyday. Also, Ice Cream Sandwich is coming up soon, and there is absolutely no reason to believe the

"Uh, you think people are gonna get refunds on those ASUS Transformer tablets? The Playbook? The Xoom? All of these will be commercial flops in comparison to the iPad. That doesn't mean everyone should get their money back."

Maybe they can somehow allow Android installation on it? From the specs it would make a pretty kickass Android tablet imho.


I smell a "we play Android apps!" bandwagon jump.

No condoms? No morning after pills? No Ecstasy?

Lol come on. Seriously?

I hope Sony is ready to embrace Homebrew this time, because this thing will attract hackers like shit does flies. I think they should strike some sort of deal with the Cydia guys now.


Except it's, you know, a public transportation service.

Or, "RIM didn't think we could do a good job reviewing their phone so they didn't send a review unit it. We aren't in the market for a BB phone right now so we won't waste our money just to give our opinion."

Relax, just because they posted a metareview doesn't mean they won't review it themselves. They do that (posting both their opinion and others') often. I think it has more to do with whether RIM sends in a review unit.

It's capitalist thinking. "Nobody gave me anything, I got this all by myself, why should others be luckier than I was? However, if I find someone with a talent I can exploit to my own benefit I will gladly help them up so they can push me higher (see: Kanye West)."

"What's 50 grand to a motherfucker like me, can you please remind me?"

Too bad it's objectively the worst song on the album.

Who was arguing for giving police access to your private shit again? This*. Always. Happens.

It doesn't have dual screens. You can run two apps side by side on one screen, (or one full screen at a time). Kind of like Win 8. The res becomes useful here because, presumably at least, you won't lose much visual detail even when you have two apps open.

Split screen (especially with that resolution) seems like a pretty good reason.

I think the real problem is turning useful products into almost purely fashion articles. It's a shitty gimmick that inflates the prices, for both men and women I might add (I'm sure there's some stupid Esquire or GQ article somewhere about earbuds for "real men," only acceptable for a specific season of the year).