
She's referring to Amadou Diallo.

The only way they could make this even better is if Michael Jai White or Samuel L. Jackson voiced the main character. Either way, looks awesome(r) indeed.

"There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking."

Che Guevara? Really? Mass murderers, yay!

No, it doesn't just autosave. You can go back to all the previous autosaved versions, kind of like Time Capsule. Ars Technica's review explains it much better than I could, but it is pretty cool.

The new Document Saving thing is really cool, but besides that...

Seems someone might have to jailbreak OSX Lion. I guess the iOS really is strong on this one.

"Attacking NATO seems like an odd choice. Anonymous has very public and very strident sympathies with the Libyan revolution, which would have been crushed long ago had it not been for NATO intervention. So why pick on a group they should ostensibly be gushing over?"

It's not hard to believe, it's actually very common. Normal people deal with it in a simple way: they ask. That's what communication is for. Questioning my authority on the matter by assuming I haven't been in a relationship where we want to be as close to each other as possible doesn't make your point any more valid.

Wow. Might have to upgrade.

Very nice indeed.

"It should never be a problem if your significant other wants to delve into your stuff."

"It means you care."

I've honestly not been keeping up with him at all, and I haven't even bothered to download that song and be disappointed, let alone watch the video. I guess I gave him too much credit. Kim was an awful, awful song.

I think it has to do with how long the word "bitch" and the idea of violence against women has been forced into American low-income language and culture with nobody reacting. Now it's normalized. I'm not saying it's right, but that it will take some time to go away because it's so engrained. It's the same problem as

What the hell is wrong with me???

I can't stop laughing.

"7 hour battery life?

"Um, or a man with a healthy sex life who gets laid enough to not feel the need."