
"I have degrees, look at me"

Lol that will get you far in life. Keep calling people cunts and carrying the subtle racism though, that's what they taught you at Education School.

Oh God best news in a while.

Yes, let's make this about race. All rude people just want to white-wash, especially when we think we can call the "cunts," right?

Nowhere did she say she got an Ivy League education. The author of the article clearly has his own problems and assumed that if someone's a douche and claims to be educated they have to be from an Ivy.

I see someone's still angry they didn't get into Cornell. Trying to prove something, Moylan?

"And lastly, it'll be illegal for an artist to sing their own songs in concert, as it violates the copyright on the original recording."

Well I'm pretty disappointed in this, and I'm not in the market for a computer at all. I just wouldn't like Apple to think they can stop investing as much in the consumer experience, but I guess that's almost inevitable once you start to "win."

So is waiting for the summer to buy your new computer. That's why it never felt like students were getting a particularly huge break.

Obviously they didn't promise anything, or it would probably be grounds for a lawsuit. It doesn't mean customers can't be disgruntled. And that's exactly opposite to Apple culture.

I don't believe this to be true. There are always those "fence" consumers who need a little push, and this will not be enough for at least some of them.

You could sell it new for $200. The buyer would also be happy since he would save a few bucks on a new iPod Touch.

The problem isn't with being given free stuff, it's with the expectations. Sure, it might make people sound self-entitled but that's what happens when you have a program for almost 10 years. In the grand scheme of things it is still better than receiving nothing, but think of all the students who passed off their

A free iPod is cooler than any app honestly, and you can sell it if you don't need it. What if I already own all the useful software and my little sister wanted a Mac for college? Even an iPod Nano would be a better deal than this.

I like Apple as much as the next guy, but I disagree. Apple's been doing the iPod thing essentially for 10 years, and students are one of the most broke portion of the population (while ironically among the biggest Apple fans). With the educational discount an iPod Touch could knock up to $400 off your Mac purchase

Damn, glad I didn't wait 6 months for this.

Lol and of course he's the douchebag executive...

The argument is over the need of hardware to achieve comparable software on both platforms. If rooting or jailbreaking on either side proves that the software can run without beefing up the specs, then you can't just dismiss it. I don't know who made you the arbiter who decides what we are "allowed" to bring up as

I don't know if pushing hardware will necessarily entice developers, since they haven't stuck with Apple because they had the most powerful hardware necessarily. There are a few things Google could do to get devs interested besides being the biggest and baddest. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that I don't see the

"Android apps are allowed to do much more than iOS and b/c of that have made Android argubly a more powerful and useful platform."