
I can't wait for NBA Jam, but I'm not crazy enough to drop $50 on it. $30 is as high as I'll go, and as I said before, it would have to include a classic version of the old game. Otherwise, I'll just wait until it drops to even cheaper than $30 (used), like all sports games do after a couple of months.

@EthnicX: That's the story of most people. 2010 might be the PSP's biggest year software-wise since it launched (if not in sales, at least in exposure). Unfortunately, with this barrage of news about the 3DS, Pokemon Black/White and Golden Sun releases impending, PSP's momentum will probably not last that long.

I've not been this excited for Nintendo hardware since the GBC. Can't wait for March!

@EthnicX: I won't eat it until it actually launches on it. Remember when Sony and SE pretty much announced FF7 remake exclusively for the PS3?

@NeonLight: Black/White literally just launched in Japan, they're not about to announce a new one right now.

@Makidian: Releases in March in the West. It will probably cost anywhere between $250 to $300, which is a pretty steep price (compared to the more powerful iPod Touch for example) but not outrageous.

Nintendo truly went balls-out on this one. Unless all these third party titles are also being developed for the PSP2, I don't really see the point in Sony even bothering at this point.

All I need is the 2 Golden Sun titles and Wario Land 3.

Goddamn it. I said I'd wait for the next PSP before making a decision, but these glowing reviews are certainly not helping.

Fuck yes. Now I won't have to skip this year's Fifa to get a sub-par basketball game I don't want, and I'll still get some Jam goodness.

Well, I guess I might actually watch this season.

Very nice review, probably even more useful than Kotaku's (which I also enjoyed).

Rough. Hopefully Sony gets a killer app for it soon.

@thegreatpablo: More importantly, the Wiimote is just a 360 controller except shaped like a remote, with different buttons and a different layout.


@junyo: "People tend to look at new stuff and only see how it fits into their preconceptions rather than how it can change those notions"

I'd trust the man who worked on Pirates with any videogame franchise.

@Sloopydrew: The problem is that most devs and publishers agree with Microsoft's policies. Valve is in the minority here, and they can afford to since they have Steam. Besides, mainstream multiplatform games simply do better on XBL, and so does DLC. In the end, the (360) gamer ends up losing, but it seems even they

@JohnnyricoMC: Microsoft changed the rules in the past for "one developer." They didn't for Valve because they know people who will really care about those updates play on PC anyway. Now that the alternative is their direct competitor, I'm sure they will change the rules again, very soon.