I’ll go to my grave believing that if WCW had put the world title on Terry Crews with his ‘T Money’ Battledome gimmick during that weird crossover they did, the company would still be in business today.
I’ll go to my grave believing that if WCW had put the world title on Terry Crews with his ‘T Money’ Battledome gimmick during that weird crossover they did, the company would still be in business today.
I *so* loved the Bin Laden Is Dead scene when they analyze that tweet by The Rock.
At the moment nothing AEW is doing is any different than what WWE already does, except for the claim that “entry level talent” (whatever that entails) will get paid the same regardless of gender.
Because there’s a video and the suit was bullshit
Judging by twitter there is a frighteningly large contingent of Bears fans who still think drafting Trubisky over Mahomes is justifiable because “it’s not like anyone knew what Mahomes would be”. Like he went in the 7th round or some shit.
San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick (you know, the guy that’s better than half of the starting quarterbacks in the NFL and way better than the benchwarmers)
Elway appears to be the only sober one of this bunch
I hesitated when I stood in line for a flight across the country, and a white man stepped in front of me. He was with another white man. “Excuse me,” I said. “I am in this line.” He stepped behind me but not before saying to his flight mate, “You never know who they’re letting into first class these days.”
Guy Making League Minimum Despite Still Playing Decently Gets Suspended; Guy Who Played So Well He Made Coaches Want To Get A Look At Blaine Fucking Gabbert Seeks Millions And Remains Unemployed
It’s not unrelated to the audio already released, it’s the full version of it.
If Hill was in any way coerced to plead guilty to a crime he asserts he did not commit, he has never said so publicly.
You tell that just-created account with one follower!
Hat tip to “BAN HIM FROM AMERICAN RADIO FOR LIFE” twitter guy, fighting fire with fire in this battle of red hot takes.
Chargers wideout Mike Williams pushed off on Chiefs cornerback Kendall Fuller, who also knocked Williams’s left arm with his right hand moments before the ball got there. Which should be offsetting penalties, according to the rule.
As noted in the linked article, Norm MacDonald was fired from SNL by OJ pal Don Ohlmeyer, not Michaels.
I’m surely remembering the details wrong, but I remember a write-up from years back with dollar figures about how much WWE actually paid Martha Hart (think their insurance covered most of it) compared to what WWE got from suing the harness manufacture, and the result was that they ultimately made money in the end.
Or about her other career as reported in Rolling Stone.
A trans fighter losing doesn’t necessarily mean the argument they had an advantage was disproven. It could simply mean the advantage alone didn’t close the gap in skill between the fighter and her opponent.
The name Caitlin Fink made me think of a goody-goody type who was probably class president and what an unusual dichotomy it was that she’d also be doing porn. Then I realized I was thinking of Tracy Flick.
all of these, ah, self-indulgent (??????) meteorologists