
VOEZ is great. Now they should bring Elite Beat Agents/Oundan and Rhythm Heaven to the Switch.

Man I seriously can’t remember the last time I’ve been this excited for a game. I’m at a loss for gifs to express this. I’m more excited than a Ron Paul meme.

Modern warfare has been beaten to death as badly as WWII.

Even mixing it up and doing the Pacific War instead of Europe could be interesting.

He is actually not the only one, I managed to do the same as him for the same game, I am the only non Japanese guy of the art team ;)

So basically they shot a bunch of stuff and weren’t sure what the movie was going to be until editing. And they don’t want you to see or know that.

Maybe Nintendo recognizes now that the people who would appreciate an instruction manual are now all adults, and we no longer get to read the instruction booklet in anticipation as our parents drive us home. Maybe if they did have instruction manuals, I’d call my mom and have her drive me to the store so I could jump

I remember having falcon 3.0 and just reading the books that came with it rather than playing the game (because I was 7 and had no idea how to work dos) the manual literally had an encyclopedia of all the planes in the game and I read that so much I could rattle off the spec and description of the F14 by memory.

Love that Falcon manual, you have to read it to even begin to play the game or you would never get off the ground.

but really that’s the only thing that makes a peep isn’t it? Otherwise you’re just some person eating bird shaped marshmallows.

The reason my penis clicked on the article, yes.

It’s the front-runner for the family Christmas card photo.

The reason you clicked on the article

Don’t act like you go to parties.

You must be fun at parties.

I never thought he was. His cheeks where a bit rosy, he has kind of delicate featurea, but he looked like young male. Not like a girl.

My future children will look at my Steam account and either shake their heads in awe or shame.

I’m not necessarily talking about the 3DS and it’s situation right now (for a hot new item, okay, but for a product that’s about to be replaced, it really doesn’t make a ton of sense), but justthe idea that Nintendo is playing the scarcity game on purpose to create illusions of demand.