Ugh they’re always trying to pioneer the next way to further milk a franchise. The thing is, they know they can release it separately with all the DLC and everyone’s gonna buy it. I’d probably still buy it..
Ugh they’re always trying to pioneer the next way to further milk a franchise. The thing is, they know they can release it separately with all the DLC and everyone’s gonna buy it. I’d probably still buy it..
the best N64 game ever... WWF No Mercy 8)
I think I prefer that Tifa.
not unless one falls into the gap
THOSE still exist?
it’s gonna end up like that Sinbad genie movie
I’ll go ahead and say a definitive “never”
that actually would make perfect sense to the twisted mind of a nintendo exec
That’s awesome. I’ll definitely pick it up once supply is closer to the demand.
Getting the same exact team on board for any sequel, especially nowadays, can be tough. Licensing is also another huge obstacle that have kept other awesome Star Wars titles like Rogue Squadron from getting sequels or even a remaster.
I’d wager it’ll either look like a dumbed down PS4 version or an up-rezzed 3DS cel-shaded version.
Kinda cool in a weird way. If I was a DQ fan, I’d try to get it on the cheap.
So........ what genre(s) of music does it have?
Seems what this game is missing is some solid hand-to-hand combat. Come to think of it, it’d be cool as hell if Link had some solid fisticuffs. It’s against this game’s philosophy, but they could have had a short skill tree just for hand-to-hand to smooth out the loss of weapons.
wtf.. dude, Communism completely jacked up Eastern Europe. Was your grandaddy a commissar or something? Fucking prick.
or OG Rainbow Six
L.A. Noire was decent-ish.
Manhattan has plenty of 250 sq ft. or less apartments like this where the shower will be in the living room and other bonkers arrangements. The difference is, you’ll be paying closer to $3000 lol.
I’ll get one eventually and just play all of my friend’s games. lol
The Civil War era is so rich with interesting history. I’d love to see more games set in this era. I feel a stealth-action game could be best for it.