Seems very interesting although only having 8 characters and 2 of them locked is a huge bummer. 16 would be a respectable minimum.
Seems very interesting although only having 8 characters and 2 of them locked is a huge bummer. 16 would be a respectable minimum.
feeling burned about battlefront’s DLC. paid like $40 for it at the time and no one’s playing the DLC anymore :(
I don’t play this often (lvl. 17) so I thought that was just how it was online. lol
I wish W3 was more focused as a whole like HoS was. The world felt too sprawling and I got easily distracted from the main storyline. Witcher 2 is still the pinnacle for me.
NieR! And binging Love on Netflix.
this is some Silent Hill madness
Yeah, I’d even bet it’s mostly women who buy these games. They’re naturally more into the emotion and romantic build-up side of things.
Ya, I’d buy it in a heartbeat
ughh I LOVE the stunt car modes. Cargo ship is bae <3
Politics has no place in videogame reviews. I think what you’re trying to articulate is that the *story* is trash.
None of this rings a bell. I stormed through this game a couple years ago, and I had fun, but I literally remember nothing from it.
There’s a cheaper screen guard pack on amazon that comes with 4 in the box. It’s got good reviews too.
Hmmmmnn so resale value on these first-run units might go up..
Singleplayer DLC would definitely nudge me closer towards getting the season pass. As it stands, I’m gonna likely wait until next winter.
This makes sense. I don’t imagine most kids, who are most accustomed to buying digitally now anyway, will really care if the manual is there or not. They don’t have the same nostalgia for reading physical books/artwork.
ohmahgerd all the things you listed are all the improvements I could have ever wished for outta ME. o______o
Pretty cool. Consider me mildly re-interested.
Yeah, most of these look awesome. :D
I tried to go as minimalist as possible in the Wild Hunt and just ended up not getting anything done. I ended up somewhere in the middle with about half the hud, minimap included. I like that this game seems more friendly towards HUDless play.
you mexican’t do that