Slid into The Matzohball

It smells of warm farts covered in money, dripping in ass sweat all over old starfucks containers.

I thought that was after you peed yourself.

And here I am thinking...

You are pinging my sarcasm meter really fuckin hard...


I wanted a little dive joint, where I could back my car up into a spot (off the road, off street parking = no meter) on the side of the joint.. (always back into spots)

I was in the vicinity of Georgia Ave...


I think there is a lot of ability for deviation on how a sentence / thought process comes out here.

My sarcasm detector is going batshit..

I always use . . . (to emphasize a breath or a comment / concept.)

Maybe you should cut yourself... bleed just a little.

Put ya car into a ditch...

Only the STUPID seek out "the best technology as the end to be all".

I'm sure you find taking a crap the hardest thing you've done in the past 10yrs. Besides getting out of bed, walking AND talking.


I did it this morning while I was taking a dump.

Well then you are just incompetent, everyone I know can replace any transmission with a tweezers and magic.

Im going to agree.