
I’m not wading through this tweetstorm. Was just looking to see if Watcher in the Woods was represented.

The first movie based on a Disney parks attraction was actually Tower of Terror starring Steve Guttenberg.

Still don’t see Matt Nagy’s list on the “Fire This Asshole!” list.

She acts like such a saint on social media (or at least tries to) that seeing her host that trash was jarring.

So, we all agree that the Janet of the last couple episodes is the bad Janet pretending to be the good Janet....yeah?

I’m guessing you’re about 25 years old. how close am I?

so....they forfeit these games if they walk off?

Anyway, I dig the track.

I could totally bamboozle the internet with some of the old records I have. Upload it to reddit, pretend I don’t know what it is, see how long people debate it.

I have two kids. Season 3 of Stranger Things was dropped like on the 4th of July, right? I’m sure I finished it before the end of the month. We’re in mid-October, dude.

hey, if you’re in the greys and making a “but straight guys really talk like this! It’s funny!” argument, don’t bother. You won’t get a response from me.

don’t remember that line, but yeah. That’s a perfect example of being intentionally offensive AND lazy as fuck.

It’s been approximately 10 years since I’ve watched the movie, btw. I’m sure I’m forgetting most of it.

What was even offensive about The Hangover movies (I only saw the first one, but let’s go ahead and lump them together for the sake of conversation). Like what pushed the envelope so much that a “SJW” would be offended/organize a boycott? Ken Jeong’s role? He’s a badass drug lord kingpin. Mike Tyson? I mean i really

It was really intriguing reading this lede right after the article about SI’s journalistic quality going down the toilet.

To what extent are the unrealities created byQuantumPick Apparatus related to the recent actions of the Trump administration?

so....none of y’all could READ the brown box? I’m so confused.

I’ll grant you Black Panther got a lot of praise from the “progressives,” for obvious and clear reasons. It was great, and it featured a cast that is traditionally underrepresented in tentpole movies.

but, like, NEW!

I haven’t laughed since 1987!!