
Are the Coens involved at all?

Having the evil Russians actually appear IN the mall was so hokey to me. Your review doesn’t comment on it, but the sheer coincidental nature of it all...I’ll accept demogorgons and the upside down but when something dumb happens it shakes me out of the show. I suppose it could be explained more later in  the series

the mall by my house had a grocery store. So nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh.

I’m genuinely upset with the Mike/Hopper situation. I don’t want Mike turning into a dick. Or feuding with Hopper.

Was this always called Stuber? I saw a trailer for it but you think a name that dumb would’ve stuck in my head a little better. 

a bunch of man-babies. i weep for our collective future.

I tend to only make time for films I already believe I will like, which creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts where I end up liking nearly every film I watch. Some would call this unadventurous, and they would be right, but my free time is limited and I ain’t gonna spend it finding out if Avatar is as dumb as it

I feel like that is the worst question ever in 11 Questions (no offense to whoever submitted it). Like do you really thing some celebrity is gonna be like, “I’m gonna go out and kill about 4 or 5 people first...mainly whites,  but maybe a minority...then rob a gas station, then sexually assault some people?” Every

It begins and ends with Marine Biologist, for me. Most Seinfeld episodes are great (some are duds),  but Marine Biologist is superlative. Maybe the best written sitcom episode of all time.

Now playing

A well-meaning relative bought my kids a dvd of “The Little Cars: The Great Race” which is clearly a knockoff of the Lightning McQueen franchise. The animation on it is so hilariously bad it became like a torture device for me and my wife. For some reason my kid loved it and wanted to watch it repeatedly.

I know that guy. Probably claims he’s “Seen the world, man” every chance he gets.

I don’t think its that outrageous to say that high-profile cases get extra work. The authorities want that shit solved quickly.

I was watching SNL when I was 12.

That doesn’t even reach “But I have a black friend” status. lol.

Well....that just sounds terrible, doesn’t it?

I thought it was brilliant how many times he said “I like beer” and “I like to drink” during his job interview.

I hate the internet! Meh I wasn’t gonna watch it anyway. I am at work.

I hope the twist is that Savage is so in love with the book that he hates the tv adaptation and completely eviscerates the episode every week, growing more exasperated as the season goes on. I mean it’s an obvious twist, but rife with comedic potential.

I learned this as a child--no matter how cute they are in the cartoon, you never try to hug a warthog.

Tangent: I’m driving from Chicago to Disney World next week. I spent some time today seeing if I can drive the entire length of Georgia without spending a dime. It will be difficult. I have to go something like 370 miles between gas stations. My car, when new, got 28 mpg and has a 15.9 gallon tank, giving me a driving