
Don’t bail out on an exit row seat, because even on this short haul flight, spacious legroom is da bomb.

I like to decompress after takeoff just as much as anyone else, but this person went to great heights before taking the plunge.

Is that a cow-catcher front bumper, to push herds of animals out of the way?

What happens when two Volvo’s hit head-on?

This is the type of split second decision that autonomous cars will need to make, and I am fearful that they will not handle the situations very well.

Can I order a plastic cover for the plastic covers?

Pressure cap all the things!

Is that your automatic gearshifter, or are you just happy to see me?

Too bad the RC 500 will likely weigh 4300+ lbs, even with aluminum components.

No B-pillar!

CarPlay has already been announced and is out. Apple hasn’t exactly severed ties with VW, who has many 2016 models that are getting it. Not allowing VW to do demos at CES is not preventing the two companies from being tied together in the public eye.

Apple is coming across as a control freak again.

If you’ve ever been to China, you know that you’re supposed to hire a delivery guy on a scooter for this.

Good catch. Isn’t it weird how the headline puts the man and the car at the same level of importance? I guess I should expect nothing different from being on a car website. This story is just a few edits away from being an Onion article.

I found the real problem in the lead image. They were using an Apple IIc to do CAD work. Using 128KB of RAM and saving on 140KB floppies took forever.

Dihydrogen monoxide also kills thousands of people each year through inadvertent respiratory ingestion.

Fixed it for you

Proper pumps have enough hose to reach the far side, as pictured.

I’m counting the days until Mercedes, BMW, and other competitors release advertising that shows how they don’t cheat on car emissions.

Back when cars relied on styling and not on dinner plate-sized logos for identification.