
I hate to be ignorant, but I don't get it. Could someone explain?

That 70s Show: Detroit

That 70s Show: Detroit

"Okay, everyone look at the camera and pretend you're Kristen Stewart."

"Okay, everyone look at the camera and pretend you're Kristen Stewart."

"Two seconds before the tragic accidental shooting death of the only blonde in the group…."

"Two seconds before the tragic accidental shooting death of the only blonde in the group…."

I've always found that the conflict between Iron Man and Bad Guy du Jour was never as interesting as the conflict between Iron Man, Altruist and Tony Stark, Hedonist.

I've always found that the conflict between Iron Man and Bad Guy du Jour was never as interesting as the conflict between Iron Man, Altruist and Tony Stark, Hedonist.

I loved this book, though it put me in dread that all guys would have names for them.

I loved this book, though it put me in dread that all guys would have names for them.