Buy a Hot Pocket?
Buy a Hot Pocket?
I guess he plans to…
Robbie Robertson still isn't budging, though.
Seriously, have the people that trash country Dylan ever heard Christian Dylan or most of 80's and 90's Dylan?
High praise, indeed.
I still haven't read the book. I feel like George Costanza for this.
I really need to start keeping up on CEO's sexual orientations for no apparent reason.
Kickstarter just got a whole lot of credibility through comparison of options.
So Seth Rogan is Woz and Tim Cook is gay? What a crazy day.
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4:12, why do you ask? Daylight Savings?
But Minnie and Daisy, oh yeah…
Who are you calling Pinhead?
As much as a bare bear can bear, but barely.
A fitting "last" hurrah.
Bigfoot is overrated. SASQUATCH IS WHERE IT'S AT!
You're thinking of "Rude" by MAGIC!. Taylor Swift had a song (I think from her last album?) called "Mean."
I don't even own a Taylor Swift.
How more country could you get?
Stalk Sean O'Neal?