
TO THE BARRICADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT SUMBITCH BETTER NOT INTRODUCE MY LITTLE GIRL TO RAP MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe he was a more establishment-type Republican? Unless the Rockefeller Republicans are slowing emerging from hiding in their caves?

This is What Happens When You Forget to Feed God Twice a Day

To be fair, it's only been twenty years. IN THIRTY YEARS THINGS WILL BE RIGHT IN THE WORLD! Although it would be interesting how a Hillary presidency would affect that (in either direction).

God's Brain Dead

Wait, conservative professors exist?! BUT WUT ABOUT TEH HARVARD LIBRULS THAT CONTROL EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well that covers me.


I see. I was just saying I hadn't heard of anyone trying to do that, not that I thought it would be illegal. It would be ironic though considering how it seems most of the anti-vaccine people are liberals. YOU'RE NOT HELPING THE CAUSE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't think businesses can use that excuse for vaccinations. Maybe there's a small Orthodox Jewish business out there somewhere that wants an exemption, but I haven't heard about anything.

The anti-vaccine is a serious problem. I just saw a NOVA about how it's actually causing great harm. We need around 95% of the population AT LEAST to be vaccinated. People thought the smallpox vaccine would harm you too.

Roosevelt did get shot, though.

He's also my lawnmower.

As long as you don't drop Jake

Our drunk father?

Throw his computer out your window?