
That's gonna be tough to pull off. People are going to literally die on them.

Instead of making Kanye West not a celebrity, let's make everyone else in the world a celebrity.

And then Bono and Billy Corgan show up and they form a Million Dollar Quartet of Pretentiousness.

I'll be sure to do so.

It all comes from HTML. I have some (though by no means a lot) knowledge of it and Disqus can read HTML, so that's how.

Whatever floats your boat.

Like this: < em > "your text" < / em >

Lake people from 3000 years ago and self-centered boyfriends ring a bell?

OK, but what did they think of "Foil?"

If I Ieave here to-MOO-rrow…

Which brings up the question of why my school would assign that book. Why not, oh I don't know, THE ORIGINAL WRINKLE IN TIME??!!! Now my impression of the entire series is jaded.

True Detective

OK. Thanks for the advice. Will try to check it out in the future.


I think I just found the chapters long and boring. Of course, that's the personal taste of a 7th grader speaking. It's odd because my whole I've been into science and sci-fi.

Those sound like names a diehard Skynyrd fan would give his or her kids.

My parents are into Bruno Mars now, if that makes everyone of you on here feel better.

I can't wait to buy a house, hopefully one with a lawn that I can yell at kids to get off of.

Hollywood stars that are talked about on YouTube.

You must've gotten your Google+ account early so you could say "I was on there before EVERYONE else!"