


I'm going to start a Kickstarter to make Daryl Hall let me in his house.


Cut out the "he's just the one that somehow has talent" part and you're spot on.

The world would finally learn that Justin Bieber is a lizard person.

Cut him some slack. As if you ever got within inches of Justin Bieber's face with your fist. He gets points for trying.

Glad I could be of assistance.

Oh yeah! Wait one second…

It's on Long Island.

I feel bad for Alex Trebeck's mom.

Yeah! Plus I never saw the picture. BIEBERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

Orlando Bloom has now done what every normal human being has wanted to do for the past 5 years: stand up to Justin Bieber.


I did but then I lost the password for my Blogger account. Or that's what they wanted me to think. I'm sure the government was afraid of the truths I was speaking and launched a secret operation to destroy the piece of paper I wrote my password on that I hid in my draw. THE GOVERNMENT IS RUINING MY LIFE I HAVENT MET A

I oppose the death penalty (and I presume most people on the AV Club do as well), but if you're going to have a death penalty, do it right for God's sake! YOU'RE NOT HELPING YOUR CAUSE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid primitive* Vikings!!!!!!!!

Hmmm, apparently the first time the term was used in print was in a 1967 review of a Grateful Dead concert (my, have they contributed to culture or what?). But in the 1860's there was a slang term "give the big bird" which meant "to hiss someone like a goose" from which the modern term derived from.

If you have one it might be worth it.

*insert joke about Star Wars fans not getting laid*